Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sommer's Blessing Day

Isn't she precious?
Sommer wore the blessing dress that I wore that my mom made me but she needed the sweater since October in Seattle is a little colder than summertime in California when I was blessed.
Eric gave her a beautiful blessing. Sommer was awake the entire time and just looking up at her daddy. She didn't make a peep. We were so happy to have family here to support us. Eric's parents came up with Chad and Todd and Marc and Cammi came too. My cousin Benton and his wife, Haliley drove up from Auburn to be here so Sommer was able to be encircled about with dear family and friends who feel like family to us during her blessing. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this day a special one for us. We do indeed feel blessed.


kelly said...

that was a beautiful blessing.
and sommer was darling!
love your family picure too.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. What a beautiful family you have. So glad I know you.

Lark said...

She looks so beautiful! The hairband turned out really cute!

Stephen said...

Awesome family picture. What a special day! We miss you guys! (Merissa Hunt)

Sally said...

Congratulations on the blessing-it's such a special day. You have such a beautiful family! I've really enjoyed your last few posts. They are so thought-provoking (and humorous at the same time! I even printed it out so Greg would read it!) I don't know how you do it all, but you're awesome!

Torrie said...

sommer was so good! and that blessing was beautiful, it had me tearing up.
and i just loved the head bands on both the girls!

mindy said...

She is gorgeous! Love the bow! I was happy to hear that everything went so well. Especially after reading about the Sunday madness you experienced recently. I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you. I hope to meet her soon.

Anonymous said...

you're whole family looks amazing too, what a great picture of all of you. She is such a darling little girl, it will be so great to get to hold her..hopefully before she's too old to be held, haha.
By the way- you look absolutely beautiful!

K. Laura said...

How does the Blaser family take awesome pictures every time??!! Sommer is just another adorable Blaser to add to the group.