Friday, October 19, 2007

to remember

This morning I got the boys their breakfast and while they were eating I went to get dressed. They were quite hyper and excited today, maybe because it is Ridge's birthday. All morning they were screaming with excitement and joking and laughing. This continued on while they were eating. When they were about halfway done eating, Ridge came running into my closet saying, "Cannon's throwing up!" I was only half dressed but I went running out to the dining room because if Cannon is throwing up that means he is really sick, the boy can keep his food down. When I got to him I kind of patted his back at first but then realized that he wasn't sick, he was choking and he was already turning a bluish color. I yelled, "he's choking" to myself of course because there wasn't anyone else to help me. I grabbed him from his chair and started the heimlich and was telling him, "get it out Cannon." He threw up and then was saying "it's out" but he was gasping it, he still couldn't breathe right so we tried again. Everything ended up okay, he was shaken up, I scared him with my reaction, I should have been more calm. Anyway, I just post this so I'll remember and to remind me how thankful I am for my kids.


Torrie said...

my eyes started to water as i read this, how scary! aren't you so glad you knew what to do?that's what us moms are for, to help our children, and one day your lucky son will look back and be so glad you knew what to do.

a year or so ago, my grandma was eating at the table and the same thing happen, i did the same as you and i think i scared my kids with my reaction too.

by the way-
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RIDGE! any big plans for tonight?

Tricia said...

Super scary! You did well Paige. I'm glad he's OK.

Anonymous said...

wow!! how scary- Im so glad someone was around to think he was choking in the first place. I can absolutely see you - and me- and the rest of us- responding in exactly the same way. I guess its just one of those things where we all should be imagining and practicing what we would do long before the situation so we can handle it okay (maybe) when and if the time ever comes. Thank you so much for giving us the important reminder too.