Monday, October 08, 2007

Just a thought

Often when I am showering I think, "how did the pioneer women survive without hot showers?" A hot shower in the morning is the most humanizing thing, it just feels so good to stand in the warm water and get clean and wake up. No matter how tired I am going in I always feel ready for the day, awake and alive, coming out of the shower. Those women on the prairie had babies that they had to feed in the middle of the night, they woke up feeling tired and had to feed children and husbands and they had to cook breakfast from scratch. How did they do it?

I just started reading "These is My Words" by Nancy Turner, and that has made me think about surviving in as a pioneer women even more. But even they had lives to live, not just to survive. I'm only in the first chapters and the author describes how the girls were happy to be getting clean with a bar of soap and some rain water. I suppose you can't miss what you don't know. I just can't imagine a cold splash of water in the face feeling as good as a hot shower. But even in our world today we can go about life living in survival mode instead of living life.

Going by Sommer's day it is going to be a long night but -- I get to hop in the shower in the morning.


Tricia said...

I can't wait to hear what you think of These is My Words.

kelly said...

i too love a hot shower.
sometimes twice a day.
i know, not very "green" of me!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I get some time to myself and I just let the warmth run over me. Its heavenly to take showers!

Torrie said...

I love a hot shower to relax me before bed! i sleep so much better!