Friday, October 05, 2007

Give him a break

Eric is so tired. He has been working so much lately, trying to get a house finished and everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Since he is the team leader he is also the fall guy for all the problems, so not only is he working overtime all the time, he gets blamed for all the things that are going wrong. I'm grateful for his integrity. I wish that the clients could see things from my side so they would know how hard he is working for them. His alarm has gone off at 4 twice this week and he never hits snooze. Today he didn't get up until 5. He can barely stay awake past 8:30pm these days. He needs a vacation, he needs sleep. loveyou E. Thanks for all your hard work. Sorry you have to be the guy everyone gets mad at when things go wrong. We love you.


Torrie said...

i'm sorry to hear that work is being a downer. and what a bad time to have him not be able to be there with you and the kids. my experience has been that they are more miserable than we are to not be at home helping. i hope things perk up pretty soon at work and your family can enjoy the holidays.

mindy said...

Hmmm, might be time to look for another job. Maybe something in Utah!