Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Twlight Treats

My sister-in-law, Sara, just went to a Twlight bookclub meeting/party and she brought these:Mini apple bites covered in chocolate in honor of Edward,
and Chex muddy buddies in a dog dish in honor of Jacob.
Don't worry, it was a new dog dish.
I am in charge of our church book club but I don't think the other ladies would go for this book, otherwise I'd suggest it and bring these treats.


kent said...

paige, this isnt really related to this post, but i really like all these gadgets or features that you have added, like the clocks and the map of the world. always exciting to come to your page.

kelly said...

i would love it if we had these at our book club paige!
how fun is that.
but yeah, i could see a few not quite appreciating it.

Anonymous said...

speaking of books, have you ever read the John Grisham book called "The Broker" ( I think) it has a ton of Italian in it and all sorts of descriptions of Bologna and Milan...I imagine it would be extra cool for someone who's actually been there and spoken the language to read. I mostly skipped over the language stuff...just wanted to get to the plot. Anyway- just curious.

Marc said...

I usually stay out of "book club" conversations of any sort, but I just saw Davidsonfieldville's post about "The Broker". I'm a sucker for Grisham books on trips and I listed to the audiobook of The Broker on one of our backpacks. I really felt like I was in Italy the whole time and between your stories of Italy and this book, it REALLY made me want to visit someday.