Friday, September 28, 2007

Playing Toothfairy

Ridge lost another tooth this week. He put his tooth in a plastic bag under his pillow and along with the tooth was a note with this question:

"What do you do with all the teeth?"

We've read a book called "Arthur Tricks the Toothfairy" and it says that the toothfairy builds her castle with all of the teeth. So knowing that the best answer to the question was taken I came up with my own -- She throws them into the ocean so they can become sand. I know, not the greatest answer. He didn't tell us that he was going to ask the toothfairy a question so I couldn't ask in the morning, what her answer was. Later on, after school he said,

"You know what the toothfairy does with all of the teeth? She throws them into the ocean so they turn into sand. I thought she used them to build her castle."


Torrie said...

i love the toothless grin first graders get! and a good story you had for him!
i'm working on making chastin still believe in the jolly 'ol fella for more more year before he spoils it for shilo.

kelly said...

that's the best fate yet for those precious baby teeth.

{btw, i just saw on your world clock that the time in milan is 4:00p.m. and i'm kind-of freaking out...}

Anonymous said...

that is such a fun story..I love your kid stories, you really have quite a knack for telling them :)

K. Laura said...

Luke thinks he'll write that same letter to the toothfairy when his next tooth falls out. I think she gave Ridge a pretty good answer--very creative. Luke thought it sounded pretty weird though. Maybe our toothfairy will give the same answer so the boys have something to talk about next time they get together.