Sunday, September 30, 2007

Laine "Spits" at Church

Hopefully this is the last time one of our children vomits at church. Ridge did it sometime last year and Laine had her turn today. This morning I could have guessed that she was going to throw up, she woke up looking very pale and kind of green, but I assumed she was feeling very weak because she didn't eat anything for dinner (Eric took the kids to ChuckECheese while I was at the RS broadcast) and she fell asleep early. She has done this before, the not eating part, and wakes up complaining that her stomach hurts and she acts really weak. So I assumed that she was feeling bad from hunger. Guessed wrong.

I was out feeding Sommer and Diana McQuay poked her head in the door,

"Paige, your daughter is throwing up all over the place."

I started to dash out of the room and Diana offered to take the baby. Eric and I missed each other, he went out one door and I came in the other door to the chapel. This happened during the sacrament, not much to mask the noise or our brief confusion. So I ran out the door he left and the people in the foyer pointed me in the right direction. I found Eric and Laine in the bathroom. Eric had done a good job of catching most of the mess in Laine's dress, though his suit also got yucked. He took Laine home and took care of her. I stayed with the boys and cleaned up the mess which was remarkably little compared to what was on Laine's dress. Diana held Sommer for the duration of church which was a huge help because things got crazy in Primary later.

(I should side note that Ridge has done really well at mastering his gag reflex. Last year he probably would have been throwing up too at the sight of Laine vomiting and the mess would have been huge. This is a big accomplishment for him.)

I'm the 1st counselor and I got a call from the primary president this morning that she was feeling much too sick to come to church. This is from a woman who runs her own in-home daycare and preschool and it takes a lot to knock her down so I knew she must be feeling awful. She left me instructions on announcements and the children to be spotlighted for the day, nothing too hard to handle. Since it is the 5th Sunday we had a guest lined up to do Sharing Time which our ward does during the last hour of church. I was a little concerned that the guest hadn't come in at all to set up during that middle hour but thought there must not be anything to prepare. During opening exercises I had the chorister run out to find the mother who was going to do the spotlights. She couldn't find her. She came back and lead the kids in some songs while I went to look for her and try to find our guest sharing time person. The mother forgot to bring the pictures she was going to share of her children, no problem -- I told her to plan on doing it the next week. Couldn't find the sharing time guest.

So I ran back upstairs and confirmed with the daughter of said person that yes, due to some home repair crisis, the guest was a no show. I got a few things together from the library and conducted sharing time. It went well enough, but what a scramble. Thankfully, Sommer was a good baby. The other counselor was filling in at nursery for that 3rd hour (we've had some nursery staffing issues lately but those are going to be solved soon) otherwise she would have helped out. And the secretary was out visiting her mother. Anyway, it was just 3 hours of my life, but a crazy 3 hours.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh Paige, what a crazy day!!! The throwing up event would be enough for anyone but then to add the whole Primary caffuffle- yikes! I'll have to drop Shannon a line too to see if she's doing any're right, she must've been really sick!

Torrie said...

You are a better person than I, I would have {sad to say} but panicked so badly that the whole ward would have known that I didn't know what to do about the whole primary thing. I hope you at least got a nap after all that drama!
How is Laine? Shilo is home with the high fever-stomach ache thing too. chastin had it thursday, and was fine by friday, so hopefully for our little angels, it will pass soon. Call if you need anything.

kelly said...

wow, all that happened on the other side of the chapel and i didn't even know!
i was wondering where eric was.
next time, come get me, i can help in primary.

Lark said...

Unbeleivable! That is so crazy! Have you been able to look back and laugh about it yet? I can just see you in action taking care of your kids and all the primary kids. I bet you did a super job and you should be proud of yourself for being a super-mom! I hope Laine's feeling better and that you had a moment yourself to re-coup (not likely Im sure).