Monday, September 24, 2007


Poor Jacob Black.


Sally said...

What does that mean?! I was just reading it and had to take a break to snuggle Jack. I got too on edge. It's probably heightened by the fact that Troy is spending a late night at work, but I'm quite scared! I have about 1/3 to 1/4 left to go. I can't read your blog until I finish it because there may be spoilers. That's ok, by the way, I just need to finish tonight!

Anonymous said...

I know...poor Jacob. But, I still love him.

kelly said...

i was SO sad!
i rarely cry in books, but i had to cry for jacob.

Paige said...

I really needed to have a book club discussion about these books, I have so much to say. I'm so sad about Jacob and even though I'm as in love with Edward as Bella is, I don't want her to become a vampire and be a crazy newborn, I want her to be safe and happy with Jacob. I'm so glad she is writing another two books.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what's going on and yet it's still incredibly entertaining. You sound like you are describing an episode of Passions! hahaa