Saturday, September 22, 2007

Go Cheetahs!

It looked like it was going to be a very long season of losing soccer games for Cannon's team (even though no one really keeps score), but this week they seem to have figured it out. Grady scored something like 8 goals, he kept running down the field, and the other kids caught on this week too. Cannon had a few times where he brought the ball down the field and almost scored but kicked the ball just outside of the goal even though he was only inches from the line. But I was still proud of him because he seemed to get it this week. I wasn't holding out for much since he spent most of the first game enjoying falling down and being on the ground. The picture below shows Cannon doing somersaults out of his chair and onto the field when he was waiting to be subbed in. He later was doing them on the field, I think he even did one through the goalposts just for the joy of somersaulting himself into the goal. The coaches for his team are parents of one of his teammates and they are doing such a great job. I'm really grateful for the positive experience they are creating for all of these kids. Cannon really enjoys practice and they are really coaching them because all of them are showing progress. It was fun to watch.
These pictures are from the first game. I would have taken pictures today -- if my camera wasn't in the dump. I also would have taken pictures of Laine running around in her Tinkerbell costume. A friend passed along an outgrown Tinkerbell costume and Laine has been wearing it around over her clothes for the past few days. I think she feels like a princess. She looks really cute running around the yard, a true pixie.


Lynne said...

So is he really in soccer, or is it gymnastics?! What a bundle of energy!

Torrie said...

Love the pictures! looks like lots of fun! Chastin just started this sat. so we'll see how much he likes it. It's fun to have a friend on the same team to play with, they seem to really enjoy hanging out together! So cute!

p.s john is still using the camera for his ebay store, but he said he would be done with it by mon. night so i'll walk it over asap.
i'll also bring the clothes for laine at the same time,i didn't want to bug you twice in two days:)

kelly said...

finally, an end to the whoopings we were getting!
saturday mornings are truly entertaining.

Lauren said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures...both the physical ones and the mental ones. It was great imagining little Laine with the Tinkerbell costume on!

Anonymous said...

this is so darling!! tinkerbell, the soccer gymnast, all of it...very cute! I just need to try to get myself in a place where I can commit to being a soccer mom too so my kids can somersault into a goalpost! hee hee