Friday, August 03, 2007

False Alarm

Well at least I didn't make it to the hospital and get sent home. I was sure the baby was coming yesterday because everything was going the exact same way it did right before Laine was born. In the late afternoon I was having contractions for over an hour that were only 4 minutes apart. But once I finally got to sit down and rest everything stopped. And now nothing is happening. Eric was disappointed that he didn't get to miss work today after all, and the kids were sad to wake up and find that yes, the baby is still in my tummy. They were all really excited about the prospect of the baby arriving, I think I was the only one who didn't feel ready, I'm not sure why. Maybe because I am the one that actually has to get the baby here? So no baby -- yet.


Lark said...

Sorry Paige. Obviously kiddo isn't ready. Thanks for the update - I've been thinking about you all day!

Anonymous said...

Bummer, I'm sorry too. Keep the updates coming. Just a few more days friend...hang in there. :)

Torrie said...

I have to tell you, you werent looking all that comfy when you came to get the kids and i felt for you. your down to hours now!!!! less than 36 hours left of being uncomfortable to go!! yeah for you!

Anonymous said...

aw, too bad! but like you said, you weren't quite ready anyway..makin' babie's get here isn't exactly a party but the idea of not being pregnant anymore is! good luck, we'll be praying for you and the baby!