Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Weekend Report

We went to see the Blue Angels on Saturday. We didn't explain to Laine what the Blue Angels were but she heard us talking and assumed real angels, pretty things. Luckily we realized it before we got to the lakeside viewing spot we chose. She said something like, "yes and they will be pretty and there will be pink angels too." She wasn't too disappointed that we weren't talking about real angels. We were sitting in a spot where the noise wasn't very loud, most of the time. One jet flew right over us, just once, and it scared all of us, Cannon ended up in tears. I told Ridge it almost scared the pee out of me and he thought that was pretty funny. The kids had much more fun playing in the lake than watching the airshow. It was a beautiful day to be out.

So now I need to gripe about the weather around here lately -- it stinks! This has been a very wet and gray summer. Today and tomorrow the highs are in the upper 60s. What is that about? I suppose I should be grateful that I don't have to go through the end of my pregnancy in a heat wave but I'd rather it were sunny and warm and we could go play at the wading pools, or at least have more time in the sprinklers. I tell people all the time that living in the Seattle area in the summer is the greatest thing, you can't trade it for anything because the weather is so perfect. Not this year. Maybe we'll have an Indian Summer, but that kind of talk might be too optimistic.

Eric got hooked on Harry Potter and could hardly put it down all weekend. I was ahead of him in my reading and then I let him take over the book so he could catch up and he just kept on reading.

Here is is on Sunday morning, we had 5 minutes to spare before we had to leave for church. He looks embarrassed because he knew that this picture would be going on the blog. Notice the toilet paper bookmark that he is holding? He did finish it after church and came back to us. He got really good at tuning us out for a few days. I kind of gave up on reading it but I'll finish it sometime soon, meaning before Christmas.


Torrie said...

you are such a cool mom! i never do anything like you twards the end of my pregnancies. i'm going to try that next time. all the parades, beaches, bike rides, and other outings look so fun! i always get so darn worn out by month 8 that i can barely function.
and laine looks like a natural runner! she is just beautiful! i always comment to her on how pretty her hair is, you just want to reach out and touch it.
i can see ridge laughing up a storm about your pee almost coming out. that is pretty funny! i always think your so reserved then you say something like that and you suprise me... i'm glad you all had a good weekend, see you and baby soon!

kelly said...

how can you give up on HP7?
i mean i know you're having a baby tomorrow, but let's get our priorities straight!
hee hee...