Friday, August 03, 2007

Seafair Pictures

Just had to post photos of these awesome runners. It will be fun to join you next year! Lauren is all smiles as she comes racing to the finish. What a happy runner.
Peter and Mindy waving to the group and finishing strong.
Andrew and Janetta Boone, from our ward. Andrew finished the race in really good time and then went back to run the rest with his wife. What a good husband!
Eating snacks and waiting for the racers to come. The kids had fun playing together. It did take a lot of patience to wait for the parade to come our way and they did a great job.
Eric was on his phone a lot during the evening trying to deal with a CRAZY subcontractor. Maybe I shouldn't be documenting this for him because she has caused so much stress in his life lately.
It was great fun to get together with everyone!


mindy said...

Thanks again for watching the girls while we ran. It was so nice for Peter and I to do the race together. It was also a lot of fun to hang out with everyone afterwards for the parade. It was a fabulous day and I am looking forward to doing it again next year.

Anonymous said...

what race is this? Im a horrible runner unless Im on a treadmill so I think anyone who can do this is incredible!

Julia said...

ok I know this might sound weird but you have a picture of Andy and Janetta Boone running a race there. Janetta was in my ward at BYU and I've totally lost touch with her! I would love to contact her if you have her email or phone number or anything. My name is Julia (Guinter) Chandler and my email is
