Thursday, June 28, 2007


Night is like a long, long, long, long bus.

Cannon often quotes this to me when I am putting him to bed and I had to write it down so I remember. Isn't that the perfect simile for a little boy?

And we just celebrated his birthday and I'm embarrassed to say that we didn't get any pictures! I did do video though but I haven't downloaded that to the computer. Kelly took pictures at the little birthday party we had for him so I'll have to get those from her when we are all back from vacations.

Cannon was so sweet when he opened his presents. He was sooo excited he was screaming, squealing with happiness about the Transformers he got. And then he was practically giving them away to each of us so that we could all play Transformers together. Sometimes I feel so guilty that he missed out on being a baby longer because Laine was born so close to him, but then it has also helped him to be a very sweet boy. He is our peacemaker. But then I'm sure it also contributes to his scream/crying and tantrums that he has so often to get attention. Hmm, I guess I still do have reason to feel guilty. But this isn't supposed to be about me, this is about Cannon.
Cannon loves all superheros and tells me every week that he has changed his mind and wants to be someone different for Halloween. He is so good about playing with Laine and making her feel happy but he also has that little boy michief about him and he knows how to torment her, but that is what every big brother knows about his little sister. He doesn't like pasta or rice. He loves hotdogs and sometimes asks for one for breakfast. He is still a mama's boy, especially at church, but he enjoyed his little preschool class even though he would tell me he didn't want to go. He loves his friends. On his report card it said that Cannon was "easily distracted by his friends" during circle time. He loves to wrestle with his Dad and siblings. He doesn't ask for a dog all the time anymore but the other week he found a caterpillar that he put in a paper bag with some leaves and then told everyone that now he had a real pet. He loves to play in the hose and squirt people but he doesn't like to be squirted. His favorite bedtime songs are "I am a Child of God" and "Silent Night."

I'm so thankful for this sweet, big/little boy. He is a joy in our lives.


mindy said...

Happy Birthday Cannon! What a sweet posting Paige. I have recently learned that I need to focus on the good qualities that the girls have so I will be less annoyed by the ones that wear on me every day. You do a great job of that and your kids are very blessed to have you as their mom.

Anonymous said...

I love love love reading these!! If only I could remember all the special things you remember. I guess your remembery has a hard time too though because you mentioned wanting to write that haiku down before you forgot. Im glad you did. It made me want to draw a picture and write a children's story around it. Did I ever tell you thats one of my lifetime dreams...write and illustrate kid's books? Im sure I told you that. Anyway, love the Cannonblog- and the picture is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

hey! look at the times! Mindy must have been writing hers the same time I was writing mine- whoah!. (say that like Joey on "Blossom"

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness...he looks so grown up. Thanks for sharing your "Cannonisms". He is such a sweet little boy. He is going to be a heartbreaker...I know you will have to keep all the girls at bay. Especially Laine's friends...they will be so silly around him. Anyway, You have such wonderful kids...I can't wait to meet the next little Blaser kiddo!

Torrie said...

thanks for having us over for cannons party. it was so nice to have a social gathering to look forward to at the end of a long day. we had so much fun!
john still feels bad about playing with cannon and him running head first into a chair! (sorry cannon)
and laine really had everyone going didn't she? as soon as she discovered that she could make all us adults crack up, she knew she had our attention!
what a fun family you have...
thanks for the fun bbq!

Lark said...

Cannon is so sweet and don't feel bad about him and Laine so close together - I loved having so many brothers and sisters close to my age. There is always a friend!