Monday, July 02, 2007

End of School

We were able to attend a few end of school events, field day the week before school got out and then the kindergarten readers theater. For most of you reading this I'm sure this sounds like a late post but Ridge's last day of school was just last Wednesday! We had so many school closure days this year with the snow and ice and power outages that they kept adding days until finally the last day of school was June 27th.

Ridge looked like he had a lot of fun during field day. I loved doing the giant parachute when I was in elementary school, those were the best PE days. He doesn't talk much after school and so it is fun for me to see him in action and see that he has fun on the playground with his friends.

For the readers theater his group read the Gingerbread Boy. Ridge did a great job but I felt sad for him when the teacher announced to the little audience that they had been practicing an hour each day for 3 weeks. Ridge's reading skills are much more advanced, this was something that he could have read aloud in front of a group on the first try, and I felt bad that he had to be so bored. He was reluctant to have me come because he said his group didn't have good readers in it. They all did a great job, the practicing paid off. I think that he was also a little embarrassed about "performing" since he tends to be more shy in front of people. It has been a good year. And now I'm the parent of a 1st grader. Though we wonder if he should skip ahead...

When we got to school on field day we were a little early and got to see the end of the assembly, they do one every Friday morning. This is the second time I've been to one and -- confession -- each time it has made me cry. The kids were doing a sing-a-long and even though it was songs like "Purple People Eater" I just start to cry. I'm not sure if it is because I'm pregnant (the other assembly I was at was in December, before I knew I was pregnant). I think that part of it must be hormonal but the other part is that hearing 300+ kids singing and sounding so happy just is overwhelming to me. It is just the way childhood should sound.


Lark said...

I'm so proud of Ridge - he is a smart boy. I'm glad he's having fun too. Thanks for sharing these special moments...

kelly said...

don't skip.
ridge can join cami in one more year...

Ron and Shanon Sommer said...

I know what you mean about the lump in your throat and tears in your eyes. Elementary school music is so beautiful, and the enthusiasm is priceless. What a handsome, smart grandson.

Anonymous said...

so sweet! Is it me or is he the most handsome boy in all the pictures?
I cry every time kids sing. Im very moved by it. He looks like he's having so much fun -and who wouldn't be having a blast when you get to use those awesome parachutes!

Torrie said...

i thought it was fun to get to spend part of feild day with you and some of our kids.
and i got all teary eyed when chastin did the hula hoop dance at school on friday, made it hard to take pictures..
yeah! it's finally summer for our kids!
and one last thing:
thanks for always including me in your fun, beach and park plans, even though i ALWAYS have to work and can never go, it makes me feel good to know someone wants to do stuff with me and my kids