Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Big Campout

Eric took the kids camping this weekend. They had a fun trip but it rained on them both nights and their only full day, Sunday. But they stuck it out and made the best of it. Next time they'll travel a few more hours up and over the mountain to get out of the rainy area. They were not too far away so they had the Seattle conditions. Of course it cleared up on Monday and it was a beautiful day. He took them 4-wheeling on Sunday which the boys loved. I should have him do a post and tell more about it but I don't think he'll have the time. They were all dirty, wet, tired and happy when they got home so it seemed like a success. Eric mentioned that it was a lot more fun camping with his own kids than with the scouts, that was nice to hear. Laine had a fit the first morning and wanted "Kaxios!" but no one knew what she meant. Finally Eric figured out that she meant Trix cereal. I'm not sure where she got that name from, she has never had Trix before so I guess she just named them herself. She was really excited to go with the boys. I did some grocery shopping for them the morning they left while they were packing the car and asked Laine if she wanted to come. She told me, "no, I stay and go camping with the boys." Eric said Laine said a couple of times that she wanted to be "big like the boys" so she could keep up. She is such a trouper. Ridge had a bike crash and came home with a lot of dirty bandaids but nothing serious happened. Cannon was thrilled to have soda to drink since we only have it on special occasions and he would drink it all the time if he could. Eric is such a great dad, and husband. But he is leaving me alone with the kids again next week to go hiking in Yosemite with my brothers and dad.


Lynne said...

Times like these are so precious, Paige. What an awesome Dad Eric is! I'm always proud of him. The memories will last forever.

Torrie said...

O.K! it's official! your husband is a saint!!!! i remember your blog about him taking the kids sledding and letting you stay home sick, and now this! what do i have to do to get some alone time? in the 9 years i have been a mom,wife, homeowner i have been home a whopping total of 3 times! yes, a whole three times! i think it's safe to say LUCKY YOU!!!!! i bet the kids had a wonderful time out in the woods doing "boy things", how fun!!!

Torrie said...

oh, i forgot to add that i'm really impressed that he even took pictures of the adventure! wow! i am so impressed, i'm going to try to not be mad at john that he hasn't done the whole take the kids camping thing:)

kelly said...

some of my girl's favorite memories are of camping with dad.
he hasn't tried all three yet though.
eric is a super-dad!
and how nice for you to have a couple of quiet days before life gets a little "loud" again.

Lynne said...

I showed this to Ed and he wondered if Ridge just happened to wash up on that rock! I'll bet you were glad to not be there for that part of the adventure!

Torrie said...

alright now, rob took the girls camping and he's not even a camper?john is so in dutch now!:)