Friday, June 01, 2007

Yesterday's Diary

Dear Diary,
Yesterday I had to take that awful glucose test to detect pregnancy problems. Dr. phoned today with results already and all is well -- I could have told him that! But taking that test means that I had to be fasting, which is a terrible thing to make a pregnant woman do. I couldn't go to the hospital early because Eric had to be at work early so I went after I dropped Cannon off at preschool. (btw, he was really disappointed that he couldn't come with me and see the blood.) So it was 9:43 by the time I finished drinking their lovely magic potion. This time it was lemon/lime flavored, much better than the orange one though I also think that I've grown more tolerant of the taste of carbonation. Is that because my taste buds are dying or because I'm not as healthy as I used to be?

Then I had to wait an hour before they could draw my blood. Laine and I went and sat in a sunny courtyard near a waterfall and played CareBears. I think she was delighted to have my undivided attention. When I told her that in 5 minutes we needed to go back inside she said okay but when those 5 minutes were up she asked for 5 more minutes (she is starting to put up her fingers so show me she means 5 minutes). The compromise was that we'd come back outside for 5 minutes afterwards. She was calling the elevator something that sounded like allivator/aligator and she got a lot of "darling little girl remarks" from strangers. So finally at 10:45 they drew my blood and I was free to eat again. Eric had called to see how I was doing, so thoughtful of him and I really appreciated that he remembered, and he told me to go out to lunch after. But the problem was that nothing sounded good to eat. I was getting to the sick point by that time. Laine and I did go sit in the courtyard again but our original chairs had been taken and she was happy to go to the car with her snack. Oh, I need to add that when we got the hospital, as I was closing the sliding door to the van, Laine stuck her hand in at the same time to point to some Goldfish crumbs on the floor and the door slammed her little arm. I didn't close it hard but I thought that for sure I had broken her arm and I'd have to go into the ER and tell them that I broke my daugher's arm. It wasn't broken but there are matching bruises on each side of her forearm. When I picked her up to soothe her she kept telling me, "I'm not okay" which told me that it really hurt because usually she starts to calm down and says, "I'm okay."

So back to the food. The night before, Eric was watching Fast Food Nation, I think it is called, and I joined him just in time to see the guy puke up his super-sized BigMac meal. So the thought of fast food for lunch was making me feel even more ill. The solution was to drive through StarBucks and get a grande Orange Frappacino (is that how you spell that?), one of my new favorite things. No, this isn't a coffee drink, it is an iced, whipped milk and creme drink that I'm sure must be fattening but it tastes delicious, much more refreshing than a milk shake but not very substantial for a pregnant woman who hasn't eaten in 12 hours. Good enough. We went to Target and picked up what we needed, then back to get Cannon.

After lunch I was hit with a huge wave of fatigue. I just felt terrible, body and soul. I had that feeling the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. I was trying not to break out sobbing in front of the kids. I did rest for a little while but I didn't put Laine down for a nap so that didn't work out very well. She came in a few times and asked me to play CareBears and read books with her and after 30 minutes of trying to rest, I gave up and just sat there on the bed and tried to act awake enough to participate. Meanwhile, Cannon was watching TV and I was feeling guilty that he was turning into a couch potato since it must have been 3 hours by that time. (Though he had been running around outside at school and after school on the slip and slide and then with Ridge later on. ) I banned him from more shows for the rest of the afternoon and he cried and yelled until he fell asleep on the couch which didn't make me feel any better about my mothering skills. A side note, after preschool when Cannon saw my bandage, it had bled a bit more than usual so it looked nice and bloody, he said, "Why did they do that to you!" He is so sweet, so caring about his mom.

By the time Eric called to say he was on his way home I was to near tears to not cry. I had been trying to make dinner while Cannon was screaming at me from the couch and Laine was pulling at my legs to get me to go play with her. Eric called back a few minutes later so say that the kids were going to go with our friends to Ridge's school's Cirque di Silly so that we could go to the Designer Dinners appointment together. I felt bad having the kids go with the Malcoms because Shannon does daycare/preschool for a living and I didn't want to give her more kids to take care of when her day was done. But I was too exhausted to protest and was relieved that Eric and I could go together and I felt so grateful that it made me cry again. Of course in between the time when Eric called and when he got home Cannon woke up and was near hysterics because his leg and arm had fallen asleep and at the same time Laine whacked her head on the doorway so they were both trying to be on my lap and crying and making me cry too.

Eric surprised me for Mother's Day and got me/us 8 meals through Designer Dinners. It took us less than an hour to package up our meals and have them ready to put in our freezer. We have a great variety of food too. I've always wanted to try one of these places and it was great, no prep work and no clean up! I'll have to report on the meals later, though a lady in our session said that this was the best place compared to others because the meals seemed more gourmet. It was so nice to be with Eric for a little while and to just feel relaxed for a little while, it rejuvinated me enough to make it through bedtime. We went and got ice cream before picking up the kids who had enjoyed the school performance and were playing happily at the Malcom's, they didn't want to leave.

My cousin Benton and his wife Hailey arrived at 11pm. By that time I was tired but everything was calm and all is well. They are looking for a place to rent for a year while he does training to manage nursing homes, and they are staying with us for 2 nights.

I have to remind myself that I am a weirdo when I am in my 3rd trimester, an emotional basketcase. I'm trying to be nice to myself, and forgiving. We'll see if I can remember that past next weekend when Eric is gone again! Paige


Tricia said...

Oh Paige, I wanted to laugh and cry with you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. :)

mindy said...

Wow, what a day! I can totally relate to those 3rd trimester hormones. With Bella I was ok until Pete left for Kuwait and then I cried every moment of everyday. And with Ayva I was just a total wreck. I remember one evening I had put a lot of effort into a nice pork roast dinner and by the time it was all done I wanted nothing to do with any of it. I was crying over pork...weird, huh! Peter was great. He put it all away in the fridge and we went out for Subway sandwiches instead.
Stay strong, you are so close to the finish line. (well the pregnancy part of it atleast and then you start a whole other race, but lets not go there right now.)

Lynne said...

Even after this long I can still relate--sure love you Paige!

Torrie said...

i'm right around the corner if you need me.
or you want me to have the kids over to play so you can rest. call me or just show up. i'd be happy to let them stay for a while.
p.s ridge will be especially happy to come play now that we fenced off the far back of the yard to contain the dogs.:)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there friend. I'm sorry you had a day like that. Highs and lows...aren't they tough sometimes!? I cry all the time.

If you need anything, I'm here for you too.

K. Laura said...

Paige, if I had a blog every post would read about like this one did. I'm not pregnant, so I don't have that excuse, but my 5 month old baby is extremly demanding and fussy and hardly lets me put her down for more than 10 minutes. My son is strong willed and it's a continual battle to establish the fact that he doesn't rule our house, and my sweet 3 yr. old Katelyn just gets caught in the middle of it all. She's the only sunshine in my life. To bravo to you for all you are able to accomplish given your circumstances. Today I've been dreaming of getting a full time career and sticking them all in daycare. HANG IN THERE!
Oh, and I love those dinner places--a great thing to do when you're pregnant and have a newborn.

kelly said...

no wonder you weren't at book club thursday night!
poor thing.
and what a great mother's day gift!
let me know if i can take the kiddos so you can rest.

Anonymous said...

I love your "dear diary" entry...I agree with everyone else, its nice to know that we are all normal and are truly doing the best we can. I like how you included all the befores that led up to the exhausting afters that led up to the "I guess we're all okay now" feeling at the end. Its good to know that in the horrible moments, it will lead to a version of happily ever after somehow- even if it takes a lot longer than we had hoped!
You're too cool- what a great person you are.I feel blessed to know you.