Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weekend Alone

Cannon's corner looks complete now. I took an old screen and painted the outside and used that as a picture frame for pictures from the beach last summer. I'm pleased but there are a few more things I'd like to do/buy for the room. We'll see if that happens before he grows out of this surfer theme.

How strange it was to be alone for a few days. Eric took the kids camping and left me here to do whatever I wanted. I decided to get a project done that has been on my list for months -- making Cannon's room a room instead of just a bed in the playroom. I've had this idea since we returned home from the beach last summer but only got the headboard done for his bed. Eric cut it out for me and Cannon and I painted it several months ago. Even though I've been able to see the room in my mind for a long time I didn't want to start the project with the kids there to "help." Painting in enough of a mess by itself, let alone when you let kids help.

They left on Saturday around 11 and I got to work. I painted Cannon's room white all over. When I ran out of paint, about 3 hours later, I went to the library (a completely different experience w/out children in tow), to Home Depot to get another gallon of white paint, then to the movie store where I rented "Because I Said So" and "The Painted Veil." While I was painting I watched the A&E Pride and Prejudice, starting with #3, since I have seen it so many times I could just listen and paint and know what was going on in the show. I got the room finished and then cleaned up and went to Bed, Bath and Beyond where I spent my gift card from my parents for Mother's Day (thanks Mom) and bought new sheets for our bed. Then I went to Macaroni Grill and ordered my favorite insalata caprese and a margarita pizza take-out. They also gave me one of their mini loaves of yummy bread so I had enough food for two days of dinners. Went home and watched "Because I Said So," I was glad I rented that one without Eric because he would have fallen asleep while watching or gotten embarrassed by the girliness of it.

Of course I couldn't sleep very well, the house was much too quiet! I think I finally fell asleep around 1 but that was okay because I could sleep in. It was nice to sit and listen and sing in church. We had two missionary farewell talks, they both spoke so well and I'm so excited for the good work they will do serving the Lord. After church I read, took a nap then finished up a few things in Cannon's room. I watched "Painted Veil" Sunday night. I think Eric would have liked it better but it was still on the chic flick side of things.

I had a scary dream early Monday morning. I dreamt I came down the stairs and was calling a name, it was dark and I think I was calling one of my kids, and when I turned the corner a low voice said in my ear "here I am." It was like a suspence movie moment when you scream and I think I almost did but I woke up panting in fear I was so spooked. After that I didn't sleep very well, I should have gotten up and gone to the gym, it was starting to get light out. But I didn't, I stayed in bed. I did get up in time to get ready and head down to be at IKEA right when it opened. They do a tax-free sales Memorial Day weekend. It was just getting too crowded by the time I was leaving. I went with a budget, good thing because I would have spent 3x as much otherwise, and am happy with the things that I got to make Cannon's room look a bit more complete. Of course there is always more to do but it was very satisfying to get a project done in a few days instead of in a few months.

What struck me the most about having everyone gone was that the house stayed clean! I forgot that I am a fairly neat person. When they left I cleaned up the toys and such off the floor, did the dishes so everything looked tidy and it stayed that way. How lovely. I did miss the bunch of them though.


Anonymous said...

His room looks great!!! It looks like one of those make-over rooms that you see on Extreme Home Makeover. I'm so impressed! It sounds like you had a good few days alone. Minus the not sleeping!

mindy said...

What a weekend you had! Cannons room looks so cool, good job. Isn't it a glorious thing to have time to yourself to get things done that have been on your mind for a really long time? I always look forward to those precious opportunities. You are very lucky to have such a loving husband who helps create those experiences for you.
I do wish I was around so we could have hit IKEA or dinner together. I miss hanging out with you.

kelly said...

the room turned out great!
it's even better in person.
you're so creative...

Lynne said...

Wow Paige--I love Cannon's room! You are so artistic--cute theme for him. Isn't it so satisfying to be able to complete a project?
PS. We watched Because I Said So at mom's in Florida--it was a great chick flick!

Anonymous said...

wow. I feel like I got to sneak a peak into your diary- thats how interesting that blog was!
The part about the dream really got me because I've had more than my share it seems of those too and you truly can't sleep afterward- especially because you keep thinking about why you had it and wondering just how real the voice was...spoooky!
I love Cannon's room, I love the screen especially- it makes a cool idea look professional.
Good on Eric for doing that for you. I'll have Ryan read this and see if he does anything...do you think it will work??
ps- thanks for checking in on me, you dont know how much it means to me. I love you!
How's the baby doing???