Monday, November 05, 2007

Oh Cannon

Cannon, Laine, Sommer and I were in Cannon's room playing this afternoon. Cannon can be such a sweet boy. He told me how much he loved baby Sommer and then told Laine that he missed her being a baby. Then Laine said something about when she was going to be a baby again and Cannon started to explain life to her, that we don't get to be babies again, we just grow up. And then he got big tears in his eyes and said that he didn't want to grow up and leave, that he would miss me and everyone else. He just started sobbing about it which made me cry too. I looked him in his big, blue eyes and told him that it will be a long time before he will be grown up and not to worry and I hugged him. I should have also told him that even when he is grown up he will still be my baby.


Anonymous said...

That makes me cry. I don't want them to ever grow up. What a sweet boy.

Torrie said...

Chastin has this same problem, it is so sweet! I just tell him that he can live with me forever if he wants to. He says he is going to buy a house right next door to Montana, because that's where I'll be.

Anonymous said...

I get all chokey just thinking about that. What a sweet, sweet little boy!

K. Laura said...

It's moments like these that make being a stay-at-home mom worth it. Priceless moments that you couldn't ever have otherwise.

Jaime said...

What a sweet tender moment. I look forward to those with our boy. Sounds like he is very special.

Alexis said...

My brother once told my mom that he would go to college within biking distance of home so he wouldn't ever be too far away.