Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mother of the Year

Yup. That's me. Monday morning Cannon woke up bright and early, as usual. I should have just gotten out of bed at the same time but I really was feeling tired. Sommer had been up every two hours since midnight and I thought I deserved some more rest. So I went back to sleep for about an hour and woke up around 7:30. Usually Ridge is up by this time but this day he wasn't. Usually I am up by this time of day so I was feeling really rushed. And usually Cannon wakes up and watches TV then about 10 minutes later he wants breakfast.

Note: Cannon needs 10 hours of sleep a night. Once those 10 hours are up he is up too. So lately he has been rising between 6-6:30. I'd say we should put him to bed later but he gets so tired and crabby by the evening hours that he just needs and wants to be in bed.

This particular morning Cannon wasn't hungry early, maybe because he ate so much candy the day before? So I got Ridge up and going and forced him to eat breakfast sooner than he wanted, just cereal. Cannon eats cereal but he isn't a big fan like Ridge is so I didn't think to have him eat too. Ridge got ready for school, Cannon got ready for the day so he could come to the bus stop with us. Got Laine out of her room and situated in front of the TV to watch Super Why, great new PBS kids show that she likes to watch instead of trekking to the bus stop with us, bundled up Sommer and headed out the door.

Back from the bus stop I got Laine her cereal and she ate while I fed Sommer. Then I got Laine ready and we headed out to take Cannon to school. I was feeling hungry, didn't get breakfast for myself yet, and remembered that I had some peanut M&Ms in my purse. I took them out and ate about 4 of them when I realized that I had never fed Cannon breakfast. I asked him, with the hope that I had just forgotten that I had fed him, and he said no. So I threw the bag of M&Ms to the back seat and he ate those for breakfast. He was fine, of course. He would have let me know if he was feeling really hungry by telling me or being really ornery. For me that was one of those bad mom moments. How could I forget to feed my child the most important meal of the day? But then again, maybe it is a good mom moment because I let my kid have candy for breakfast. Isn't that what every kid wants?


Anonymous said...

I decided that if I have to take my kids to Burger King one more time this year Im going to fire myself.I think its about the coolest thing you can do if you can feed your kids garbage every great once in awhile- they love it and it gives you a break but EVERY other DAY?? I have many other things I'd rather spend my money on as well. Anyway- I think your fine...especially when all you wanted was get finally get a tiny bit of sleep!
by the by- are you planning on going to the cookie lee showroom event this Friday night? Just curious, love you and I think you're amazing!

Sally said...

Paige, it's all good. I remember when my mom was away at Girl's Camp when I was about 10, and my dad was left with us all week. We ate Dairy Queen banana splits every night for dinner. And I appear to be fine!

Lynne said...

Chad is 22 years old now and won't eat breakfast even if I beg him to--once in a while if I can get him to eat a Pop-Tart and a vitamin C tablet on his way out the door I feel like the mom again! Life goes on--and you're doing just fine!

Torrie said...

oh thank goodness i'm not the only one! i slip up way more than i would like to. anyone say diet coke for breakfast? my 4 yr. old seems to think it's normal now... how sad:)

Anonymous said...

Well, I had about 3 mini candy bars this morning and a piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast. I'm still kicking!

You have to figure they would have had the M&M's during one time of the day or another. They just had the earlier! :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, I had about 3 mini candy bars this morning and a piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast. I'm still kicking!

You have to figure they would have had the M&M's during one time of the day or another. They just had the earlier! :)

Anonymous said...
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Jane said...

That's a great story! I love peanut M&M's so it is never a crime to eat them no matter what hour of the day!
Happy Halloween! Your kids costumes are amazing. I love it.

Kent said...

i wouldnt feel bad. that sounds like a great breakfast. plus, you are responsible for yourself and a small army, you are allowed to make these mistakes every once in awhile. i forget to eat and im only responsible for myself. thats just unacceptable.

Tricia said...

hey, that's protein and dairy--what else do you need?