Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I think I'll try to look nice today...

subtitled: Kids don't care if their mom wants to look cute. Or, all the messes that can happen in the space of a few hours will happen if you are trying to look nice for the day.

That was my thought as I started to get dressed yesterday. I was going to put on my sweatshirt and then I decided that since I was actually supposed to get some errands done and then we were going to the library, I would try harder. I would be the cute mom today. (I'm not fishing for compliments here, I know I wouldn't make it onto What Not to Wear though I keep hoping that someone has been secretly filming me for the past two weeks...) Not that I looked spectacular at all in my nice outfit, I just put on my new jeans and new sweater instead of my sweatshirt and jeans. And I was planning on putting on makeup too. Well. When Cannon came into my room at 6:30 I was burping Sommer and I decided to get up and shower instead of going back to bed like the day before, since that didn't lead to anything good.

Showered, got dressed, and yelled up the stairs to Ridge that he needed to get up. I heard him scramble out of bed but then he didn't come downstairs. So I yelled to him again and he peeked his head around the corner and said, "mom, I kind of had a small accident when you woke me up and I don't have anymore undies up here." No undies because all the folded laundry was downstairs. So I threw a pair up to him and told him to get those wet things to the laundry room. So no, this event didn't ruin my outfit.

I was determined that each of my children would eat breakfast so we all sat down for cereal. Now there needs to be some back story. Laine refused to eat dinner the night before. I need to do an entire blog entry on her food issues but I won't go into it now. Let's just say that in an effort to be "good" parents we insisted that she eat her dinner or she wouldn't get a bedtime snack. She refused to eat any of it, even the rice which she usually eats, and went to bed hungry but not complaining. I got her out of bed and she was weak and pale, as I thought she would be. Does this sound familiar? She wanted to eat too so I poured cereal for everyone and we prayed and ate. After one bite Laine kind of gagged and said there was something in her mouth. Ridge and Cannon both ran from the table yelling "ThrowUp!" She wasn't sick then though. Got everyone back to the table and resumed eating. Then Laine really did throw up. But I managed to keep my outfit clean.

Okay. So I got Laine cleaned up, there wasn't much to clean since her stomach was empty, got the boys ready for the bus stop and got Laine situated on the couch watching her show. I had hoped that Sommer would stay asleep but she woke up about 2 minutes before we needed to leave. As I got her out of bed I realized that she had a very messy diaper that was leaking out onto her pjs. But there wasn't time to change that kind of mess so I bundled her in her blanket and we went to the bus stop. But I still kept my outfit clean.

We got back from the bus stop and I cleaned up Sommer's grand mess of a diaper and then sat down to feed her. Laine threw up again. This time there was enough of a mess to warrent a bath, but I was still clean. So I put her in the tub to get cleaned up. I left Sommer on my bed with Cannon to entertain her but I didn't have a chance to burp her since I interrupted her eating to run and catch Laine's sick. I came back to feed her again and I want to note that I did try to burp her before I fed her because I wasn't sure if she had managed to do it on her own while I was away. As I was feeding her she suddenly did this massive spit-up. I don't know how she angled it this way but it shot out and most of it ended up on my crotch so I had the odd sensation of wetting my pants from the outside in.

And there goes the outfit.

(Not that I was going to go out with my daughter sick, but still. She was actually better by the middle of the day. I think that having an empty stomach makes her sick in the morning since this is the second time this has happened. All these messes happened in the space of 2 hours. And the only thing Cannon did was cough in my face. )


Torrie said...

you have me cracking up! now how will i ever get to sleep!:)
i just adore you and your kiddos!
thanks for the laugh, see you at the bus!

Anonymous said...

hahaha....if someone were to meet you for the first time, I don't think they'd have any idea how hilarious you are...oh this whole thing is so great! I really truly believe you would make millions on these stories, I LOVE them. by the way- I agree with your hypothesis.

Melanie said...

I am always secretly hoping someone is filming me for 2 weeks and sends me on What Not To Wear TOO!! I've even tried to convince my husband to submit my name and I'll wear the worst clothes I've dice. :( That sounds like one crazy morning...just not quite possible to look nice. You're a good mom to find the humor and irony in the whole thing.