Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So I finally read Twilight and like everyone said, I loved it. I have been hearing about what a great book it is since December last year when Sara, Eric's sister, told me about it. But I think I should have been given more warning about it from all of my friends and family members who have read it. They all just said, you have to read this. Or how about a disclaimer from the author. Something like: this book may make you pine away for the vampire boyfriend you were never lucky enough to have.

Why couldn't I have read this book in high school (besides the fact that it wasn't written yet)? I can see my high school romantic/ridiculous self secretly hoping to find a vampire boyfriend if I held out long enough to go to the University of Puget Sound despite the obvious moral differences in our views of immortality. I would have thus saved myself from several ridiculous boyfriends. Especially as a runner, who wouldn't want to run like they do in the book? I never would have fallen over that hurdle...

What a great character Stephanie Meyer created with Edward and the rest of them. And by the way, the sun really doesn't shine that much here, that wasn't a fictional part of her story.


Torrie said...

Kelly just brought me this book yesterday
I want to start it tonight, last night I was just too exhausted..
Glad to hear you liked it, i'll let you know what I think when I finish it.

Anonymous said...

I read all three in about 3 weeks...I couldn't put them down. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

How are things?

kelly said...

told you so...
i'm listening to it on audio now.
love these books!

Paige said...

No one told me I'd be in love with a vampire at the end of the story.

Lauren said...

Okay...I totally beat Marie! I read all three in one week. I neglected my chores, the laundry, and the kids. I got good at stacking blocks for Anders and pressing play on the remote for Ella without looking. I even stayed up way too late every night and then woke up at the normal time so that Adam wouldn't know how late I was up. So entirely pathetic, but so totally worth it. I loved the books! I want to read Twilight again. Also, have you read the chapter online that Stephanie Meyer wrote from Edward's perspective? So good. I just can't wait for the next one to come out.

Lark said...

Even if we told you that you would be in love with a vampire and that this book would totally consume your thoughts, you still wouldn't totally get it until you read it, don't you think? I seriously had withdrawl for weeks. I'm finally back to reality, but its taken awhile.