Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Farewell

Last weekend Sommer and I went to California to say goodbye to Lance. He did a great job speaking in church on Sunday and he looked so handsome and like a missionary. One evening he said, "maybe when I get home everyone will stop treating me like I'm still 12." I told him not to get his hopes up, we all just love him as our little brother no matter how old he gets. I'm so glad I was able to go see him off. It was so nice to just have Sommer with me because I was actually able to converse with everyone without the many interruptions of my children. I'm very blessed to have a great family -- I love you all so much. Part of the reason Eric and I wanted to have 4 children is because we hope that our kids will enjoy their relationships with their siblings all through their lives as much as we enjoy ours.

Lance left for the Brazil MTC yesterday. 2 years is a long time, he'll be missed but we are all so glad that he decided to serve a mission.

Obviously this isn't a missionary shot, from the beach house last summer. But these are three great missionaries. Kent served in Spain and Matt in Washington DC. Lance is on the right. I forgot to bring my camera. See Lark's blog for more pictures and a better report of the weekend.And here is a really sad thing, I can't find it now and I'm worried that I left it on the computer table and it fell off and into the trash can and then got thrown away (Ridge helped Eric empty all the trash cans on Sunday night and he wouldn't have noticed if it was in there as he dumped the trash into the bigger bag). I can't find it anywhere and it makes me sick to think it might be tumbling around in the land fill.


Sally said...

You have handsome brothers, Paige!
How was sunny California?

Torrie said...

Paige, I'm glad that the trip went well. I'm sorry that you can't find your camera, I think I have a digital camera that you can use till you get a new one if you need. Just let me know.

Anonymous said...

how horrible about your camera- that would just make me so sick.
Yes, your brothers are beautiful but I think a lot of the beauty comes from being good men. Ryan wanted to know last night what would make him more attractive to me (as if that was a problem in the first place) and I said "when you are being kind, when you are being a loving father, when you help makes a nice looking guy look amazing" I don't think he wanted that kind of answer but he seemed okay with it! Anyway...Im so glad you got to go too!! Good luck Lance!