Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School!

Ready for school!
The big 1st grader.
Heading to the bus stop. Ridge's stop used to be a few houses down the street but now it is down the street and around the corner. It will not be easy, or fun, to get everyone ready and out the door when it is raining. I think I'll end up driving Ridge to school more often this year. I'm sure he'll get more comfortable and walk over there with the other kids (they are all 4th grade and up) from our street in a few months but until then...
There he goes!

It almost didn't happen, the teachers were going to strike, but luckily they didn't and Ridge went off to 1st grade! He was a nervous wreck the night before; he said that school is boring and he just seemed so anxious. Eric gave everyone a father's blessing and it seems like the day was happy for everyone despite the tears the night before. It was a lot easier for Ridge (and me) to get on the bus, neither of us shed any tears. Eric went into work a later than usual so he could be there too. Then he took Cannon to preschool. Cannon was so excited to see his friends again, he was giving everyone hugs. He is happy to be going to school too. After school a few girls in his class told me that he was mean to them at gym. At least he is nice to his sister, we'll have to work on being nicer to the girls.

Laine and I had a quiet morning. I was able to get the mountain of laundry folded then we took Sommer to the Dr. At her 2 week check the dr put silver nitrate on her umbilical stump because it wasn't doing a good job of falling off on its own. It finally fell off yesterday but it looked weird, at least to me it looked weird, not like a belly button should. It actually does look like like a real button, smooth and peachy, but that is just the top part that folds over this gunky mess. When you push back the smooth part then there is this pussy gunk and redness. So since none of the others had this yuckiness I took her in to have it checked. Turns out it is fine but she is going to have one major "outie" if it doesn't even itself out more. That's one way to keep a kid modest. I was mad because we waited for 30 minutes in the room and then had 3 minutes with the Dr. Not that I needed more time with her but to wait that long? Since Sommer was asleep, Laine and I played trucks so Laine got some good mommy time which means that my time sitting there wasn't a complete waste. The dr did apologize but I think she really should have thanked me for getting her closer to being on schedule for the day. If only we lived closer to Lark and Parker so I could have stopped by for medical advice.


Lauren said...

Great post! It is fun to hear what each member of your family is up to!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are wonderful- fun to see Cannon's hair all combed perfectly :) Im with you on the doctor visit garbage, that makes me so crazy! Kate's little button did weird stuff like that too when she was tiny...just the idea that something might happen to that little button is very scary. Im glad the doctor said she was fine, even if you did have to wait forever to get that answer! haha

Torrie said...

it was fun to see you at the bus stop! i'll never be all dressed and have shilo dressed just so you know. i am not an early riser naturally, my goal is to just have chastin ready and relaxed by the time we get to the bus!
i'm glad that the day went well for both your school boys!

Ron and Shanon Sommer said...

Those are sweet pictures of Ridge getting on the bus and the other kids all spruced up and ready for the big first day. What a brave boy he is. I am so proud of him.

mindy said...

I can't believe you have a first grader. (hahaha) Everyone looks so cute and happy in the picture. Sounds like you are handling four just fine...keep up the good work.
Miss you!

kelly said...

gotta love those bugdet cuts...
cute back-to-schoolers!

Lark said...

fun to have them back to school. I wish we lived closer too. Maybe someday...Don't hesitate to call the dr. anytime for phone're family!