Monday, August 27, 2007

Mom Brain

Last week as I was driving to Sommer's dr appointment I arrived at a familiar intersection (15th and 175th for those of you around here) and as I looked around during the red light I thought, "when did they top off all these trees?" I thought it was really strange that I hadn't seen crew out doing the trimming since this is near our house and I had been out of the house in the past 2 weeks. Then I realized that they hadn't topped off the trees, there just weren't any clouds in the sky so the trees looked a lot shorter than they usually do. Last week we actually had 2 full days of blue, cloudless skies.

Now this could be a commentary on the lack of summer weather that we have had this season, because it is true, days with pure blue sky have been very rare, but I think it says more that my brain is suffering from lack of sleep, more than I realize. And I say that because of what I did tonight:

I was giving Sommer a bath, back up, Eric took the boys out for a bike ride around the block and I stayed home so that Laine and Sommer could have baths. I got Laine in the tub and then it was Sommer's turn. She was crying a lot while she waited for me to get back to her. I got her undressed and then realized that I needed to get a onesie out of the dryer. I had Sommer wrapped in a towel and I got the onesie, went to put it back in her room then realized that I also needed pjs for her, also in dryer. I put the onesie on my shoulder, went to find the pjs, went to put pjs in her room, ready for bath time to be done, completely forgot where I put the onesie. Looked quickly where I had been, didn't find it so I retrieved another one from the dryer. Gave Sommer her bath and fed her. (Eric and the boys got home in the meantime so he took care of Laine.) Put Sommer in bed and walked out of my room and finally discovered the missing onesie on my shoulder.

Just two examples but I'm sure that there are many more -- I just can't remember them.


Anonymous said...

seriously laughing out loud. I love your blogs.

Lark said...

The tops of trees! You really should come visit'll get so sick of the blue skies and there are no trees!

Lynne said...

You're so human, Paige! I love you!