Monday, August 27, 2007

Have you already seen this?

I got an email with a link to this eBay item. Have you already seen this? I can appreciate this woman's story and it is amusing but it is almost too close to home for me, it made me feel tired to read it since I dread going to the grocery store with my 4. I don't think I'm going to try it for a long time. There is a link to her blog at the end. She's had an insane amount of traffic on her blog since this eBay entry. So click and add to her traffic.

And have you seen my friend Tricia's new blog?
She nearly has her degree in library science (she already has one in accounting -- smart cookie) and she gives great reviews of books. So when you are looking for your next book to read, check out her site first.

Have you heard of the Seattle librarian, famous in our parts? They made a Barbie doll of her. I think that Tricia the librarian will soon be as famous as Nancy -- and not just because Tricia would make a much better Barbie model.

One more thing: while blog hopping I found this link
Turn your blog into a tangible book. So for all of you friends and readers who haven't started your blogs because you want to have a scrapbook instead, there you go.


Anonymous said...

so many cool things! the barbie doll is very harry potter action figure-esque and I already downloaded the blurby thing..but thats because I thought it meant that I could make like an online scrapbook album so I still need to figure that out when I have more time cuz if thats true, that'd be great. I see that lots of people are selling their books tho and thats awesome if you have a way with words or something. Anyway, definitely worth checking out.thanks!

mindy said...

I can't believe that woman made $142 off of those Pokemon cards. Wow! I guess it goes to show you that there are compassionate people out there. Her story was extremely humorous. I really enjoyed that part about the cards saying energy on them so she tried carrying them around with her but they didn't work...hilarious!
Thanks for sharing.

Tricia said...

you are much much too kind. but, thank you. and thank you for the other links too. dawn is hilarious and blurb will save my life.

Anonymous said...

I signed up for last week...I'm going to turn my Noah story into a book. I love it, its so easy!!!

Thanks for the links!!! :)

Lark said...

That ebay thing was so funny! I was laughing so hard I was crying and my stomach hurt. I don't even remember the last time I laughed that hard! Thanks for sharing!

Melanie said...

Thanks for only knew about and is SO MUCH BETTER. Thanks! :)