Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Miss Smarty Pants

Look who figured out how to use the mouse! Laine is so happy that she can finally do little games on the computer by herself. She still needs help navigating but she is figuring things out quickly. Her favorite website so far is My Little Pony.
When I was pregnant with Laine I really worried about mothering a little girl. Pregnancy hormones can make you so crazy (you don't want to be around me right now). One of the things I worried about, well not worried but thought about more than I should have, was that there was no way Laine could have the same beautiful hair like Cannon and that didn't seem fair to me. Cannon's hair is thick and wavy and blond, shouldn't that belong to the girl in the family? But somehow she came along with really pretty hair. It isn't like Cannon's exactly but it is really pretty and I marvel at that because I know that my worry didn't cause it to come out pretty, it just did. I thought she would have my hair which is nice enough but not remarkable in any way. And if anyone seems destined to run in this family it is her. We were at the track a few days ago and the boys had their bikes. Laine wanted to race around too so she took off running and ran the entire 1/4 mile around, more than once but not in a row. And she looked so happy while she was doing it. I remember a coach saying that if you want to improve your running you should try to copy how children run because they are so natural. She does look like a natural.


Torrie said...

paige, at 8:00am this morning i was saying to my self, "paige has 24 hours to go then she gets to hold her new baby!" i am so excited for you!!!!! you look so cute pregnant!
i have to say i secretly hope you have a girl for laine to have a sister. i think either way she is going to be a GREAT big sister!
and awhen did she get so grown up? i remember you being pregnant with her just like it was last week or so...

Lark said...

shes beautiful. Good luck with the birth. I'm sure by the time you read this it will be all over! How exciting!

K. Laura said...

Laine is beautiful, Paige. Isn't it amazing how much you can stare at your children (especially the girls) and think how beautiful they are? I remember my mom stroking my face and telling me how beautiful I was; naturally red lips, beautiful hair, skin and smile. Now as I say these things to my daughter I realize my mom was remarking not only at the beauty of her daughter but at the beauty of childhood. Children have such pure innocence that it makes them all the more beautiful. I guess it's why we call Jesus our "beautiful Savior."

Tricia said...

she's just gorgeous

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said- its really a blessing to have these sweet girls. I can't say what a blessing boys are because I don't have any...
working the mouse already? Mallory is 6 and can hardly figure that out!