Monday, July 02, 2007

Saturday is a Special Day

At the beginning of the week Eric said he'd work on the bathroom on Saturday. By the time Saturday came he was just too worn out by the week to do that kind of work (he has been really busy and leaving early). It was a low tide day so we packed a lunch and headed to Carkeek park. It was sunny and warm and we had a lot of fun together. I'm glad he was too tired to work on the bathroom because the beach wouldn't have been half as fun without him.

With the tide so low you can actually walk to sandy areas. When it is a regular day it is really rocky where the water hits the sand. So Eric and the boys went out to an "island" and built sandcastles with moats and walls to try to keep the tide at bay. We played on the island until it was swallowed up by the coming tide.

Laine didn't want to wear her swimsuit but she should have because she ended up on her stomach in the wet sand. She looks kind of sad in this picture but she was actually singing, talking to herself while playing there on her tummy, as content as could be. We had a lovely day.


Lark said...

....what? I'm dying to know what is special about saturday...

Paige said...

How funny that you would be reading then. I accidently hit enter as I was typing the title and it got published like that.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fun day at the beach... :)

Ron and Shanon Sommer said...

They will never remember the bathroom, but they will remember the day at the beach with the sand island. What a beautiful day. That kind of weather needs to be taken advantage of.

Anonymous said...

Im so glad Eric could come too. Funny how more complete a beautiful day is when Daddy gets to come along. I especially love the picture of Laine singing to herself.

Lark said...

wish I was at the beach too!

Marc said...

I thought it was the song: Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for SUNday!

Torrie said...

how fun! you guys are always doing fun things together! and i agree, the kids will remember spending time with dad WAY more than a new bathroom,(even if it sucks for you that it's not done, i know, my kitchen has been 1/2 done for a year)

Tricia said...

it looks like you had the whole place to magical!