Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm It

Tagged by Cammi to answer these questions:

Last person I sent a card to: Hmm, I don't remember though that reminds me that I have a couple of cards that I've been meaning to write. (Tricia, I didn't want to just thank you over the blog but I guess I will now -- Thank you for sending me the baby socks! She sent me a pair of those little socks I saw on the baby at the zoo, the ones that look like little Mary Janes. So if I don't have a girl then I'll have to pass them along to the next person I know who has a baby that needs pink.)

What I ate for lunch today: I'm trying to remember.... since it is evening and I'm having heartburn from dinner I'll just report on that: sweet chili (a very easy recipe from BH&G) that you serve over macaroni and I made biscuits. I know, where is the vegetable or fruit? I need to go to the grocery store, I didn't feel like serving carrots or salad though this reminds me that I have pears to eat. Pears and parmigiano cheese has become one of my favorite snacks and the smell of the nectarines in the grocery store makes my mouth water but I bought some the other day and it just isn't the perfect time for them yet. A few more weeks.

Something I just learned: Are you kidding? I'm supposed to remember something right now? Let's see. Eric just went hiking with my brothers and dad in Yosemite. My dad is 61 years old and he completed the Half Dome hike. I learned that my dad, despite his age, still has amazing strength of will and great stamina. I know it was a hard hike for him but he completed it. Eric is still sore.

Favorite song this year: This is a hard one for me because I don't really listen to music very much, mostly in the car but most often the car music of late is Veggie Tales. A few weeks ago on the way to orchestra I heard this one "Standing Outside a Broken Phone booth with money in my hand" and I really liked it. This link is to a YouTube of the video. I like the piano that they threw in during the middle interlude. So that is a new one to me though it is from 1996, I think. Maybe there is a remix?

Also, have you heard of this site: ? I heard about it on NPR a few weeks ago (on my way to IKEA) and finally tried it out. You enter a song or artist that you like and then they create a "radio station" based on that song, all different genres. Then as the songs are playing you can rate them, like or dislike, and it keeps track and modifies the music choices according to your choices. I tried it with the above mentioned song and didn't like the first two but liked the third. I also put in U2 and liked all three songs I heard before switching titles. No classical music, yet, but most other genres.

Last book I read: Emma Brown by Clare Boylan (I'm not sure on that spelling). The author took two chapters from an unfinished Charlotte Bronte manuscript and wrote her novel from that. I liked it well enough to finish it. Some parts moved better than others. I have to say that she stayed very true to the Bronte voice throughout in the story she created as well as with the character depictions. Now I'm switching gears and reading "The Golden Compass" recommended by Tricia. (Movie comes out in December.)

What I'm wearing right now: pregnancy pj bottoms and Eric's shirt from Italy that was not quite big enough for him when it was new and then it shrunk and now it is the perfect size for my belly girth.

Last phone call I made: Called Torrie this afternoon (she was at the zoo with lots of little kids, her grandma and her cousin) to tell her about tomorrow night's PTA meeting. We're the fundraiser people for next year along with one other lady who has already assigned me as the "paperwork" person. That should work out great.

Inside I don't feel very different that when I was: Hah! Pregnant with Laine. I don't think necessarily means that I'm having a girl but it does mean that I am an emotional crazy woman who has started grunting when she bends over or gets out of bed. I do like my regular self much better. I'm trying really hard to enjoy being pregnant, like Lauren, but I'm so not myself, body and mind, it is hard!

Last restuarant I ate at: McDonalds, last Saturday for dinner when Eric was out of town. He left the kids gift cards. I ate the grilled chicken ceasar salad, my favorite thing there, and fries from the kids and got an oreo McFlurry for later. Acutally, McFlurrys are my favorite McDonalds item. The last "real" restuarant I went to was PF Changs on a date night with Eric and the Lees. The best thing was ordered by Kelly's "smokin hot husband, " Rob. What was that dish? I just looked it up: Shrimp with Candied Walnuts "tossed in a creamy lemon sauce with honeydew melons." Such a delicious combination of flavors.

My favorite TV shows are: Project Runway and Lost. I was so mad to see that Bravo is putting on another season of Top Chef instead of PR! I kept watching Shear Genius because I was sure that they would be advertising a new season of PR soon but then they started talking about Top Chef again. They just did that! So I hope that they are going to be filming one for the fall with the finalists showing in the February runway shows.

And Lost I liked better when Eric would stay awake and watch it with me. They moved it back an hour and by Wednesdays at 10 Eric is already ready to sleep though he would try to stay awake with me. We don't need it but a Tivo thing would be nice. But I will most likely keep watching for two more years until they end the series. So I should get a lot of reading or something done this summer.

Oh and how could I forget What Not to Wear? If we aren't out on a date Friday night then Eric is usually asleep by 9, or he is soon after I take over the remote and turn on that show.

And now I'm supposed to tag someone else. Lauren needs a new post so you're it. And Kent, because I'm sure that you could turn this list of questions into a great discourse. I would say that everyone who actually reads this far is "it" but I've read that before on another blog and I just ignored it.


Anonymous said...

This was so fun to read!

Anonymous said...

so coool. I hope both Lauren and Kent do one now so I can snoop a little into their lives too...that is if they don't mind me reading their answers! I love what not to wear makes me think twice every time I get dressed! That food by smokin' hot rob sounded delicious, I'll have to try that. I have been listening to Pandora for a long time and I love all of the new music you get to hear too, I found a lot of bands I love just by entering in something like duran duran or hall and oates..eventually they throw in the new stuff and its really good sometimes. sometimes tho, they play awful stuff that I really hate so I'd click on one after another and say I hated it and they'd stop playing it until eventually I got a message that said "sorry but we can only stop just so many songs an hour" and they'd keep playing it! well my bro in law found the button for fast forwarding recently and I am in love with pandora again. So, off I go to check out your phone booth song....

Torrie said...

i liked reading all the cool stuff you posted! thanks for sharing so many neat little tid bits!

Lark said...

hey paige, this was fun to read. I love reading your posts because I can hear your voice - like we are sitting in the same room talking to eachother about this stuff. Hopefully we can do that soon - I really miss hanging out with you. Alright I'm getting a little emotional here...

mindy said...

Very interesting...I think I learned some new stuff about you. Thanks for keeping it clean on the "what are you wearing right now" question, Sometimes a little white lie is necessary.
Thank goodness for What Not to Wear, huh? Without you around to be my guide I have to rely more on Stacy and Clinton.