Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Poem and Ragnar

Friendship by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Oh, the comfort -- the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words -- but pouring them
All right out -- just as they are --
Chaff and grain together --
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them --
Keeping what is worth keeping ---
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away.

Isn't that the perfect sentiment of friendship? My mom sent me several poems when I was on my mission. They were glued to index cards and lived in my scriptures. Just wanted to share and say thanks to all of my friends.

Also, Mindy told me about this race:
Ragnar Relay: "Its really quite simple. Get a bunch of friends together (or we can help you find team members who'll quickly become your friends) and start running. Okay, there's a little more to it. Your relay team will consist of 12 members. During the relay, each team member runs three legs, each leg ranging between 3 - 8 miles and varying in difficulty. So, from the elite runner down to the novice jogger, its the perfect relay race for anyone."

It would be motivating and fun to train for this and then run it together. This year is out for me, obviously, but next summer I'd love to be ready to do it. I know that Mindy wanted to run it this year but wasn't able to get a team together. Who's in for next year?


kelly said...

i'm in!
i dibs all the 3 mile legs!
just teasin...

mindy said...

Alright, I am going to hold you guys to this so i hope you are serious. The Northwest Passage relay is done in late July there in Washington and it goes from Blaine to Langley. Or if you guys wanted to travel to Utah we could do the Wasatch Back which goes from Logan to Park City. I guess it will depend on where most of our team is from huh.
We definetly need to find some long distance lovers because some of the legs are a little long.

Anonymous said...

I'm a total novice...but I'm in too.

How do I get started?

I say we travel to Utah!

Torrie said...

I'm out! You guys are crazy!!! john says he can maybe walk 2 miles if you need!!!.... haha

Kent said...

paige, im so impressed that you still run and seem to like it. will you run the running part of my triathlon for me next weekend? id really appreciate it.