Saturday, May 19, 2007

Jane Austen Quiz

I'm supposed to be preparing for sharing time tomorrow but I'm having a stupor of thought. I know, I should have been preparing all week for this and a better leader would. I must say, in my defense, that I did look over ideas last Sunday and none of them struck me and I didn't get that little buzz of inspiration that then keeps the ideas coming all week so here I am, totally exhausted -- Eric is in Idaho and returns on Monday morning but then goes straight to work so it will be like he has been gone for 5 days since he left Thursday straight from work -- and beyond the help of inspiration. So I've been blog hopping again and came upon this quiz:

I am Anne Elliot!

Take the Quiz here!

I know that as an English major I should have read Persuasion already, now I have to pick it up and see if in fact I do resemble this Anne Elliot. I would like to say I am an Elizabeth Bennet, strong and outspoken and witty and beautiful, but I'm not, I'm more of a Jane Bennet, the nice one. I suppose there are positives about that too. And here I could go into a long thought about how isn't it hard to live in the moment and yet plan for the future, and be happy with where you are and who you are but still be trying to be a better you in situation and personality? But I'm too tired to make that all make sense so I'll stop and let you think about it...


Lauren said...

Oh Paige...Anne Elliot is one of my favortie characters. Persuasion is such a good book and the BBC version of the movie is wonderful. You are stronger than Anne at the beginning of the novel...much more like the Anne at the end.

I could tell who each option was describing, so I tried to be honest. I was so excited to find that I was Lizzy Bennett. I think I am more of a combination of Lizzy and Emma.

How fun...thanks for sharing!

Lark said...

Paige, how great that we are the same person - and yes the movie is really great. You should rent it next weekend while the kids are away!

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday Paige!