Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Happy Day

Yesterday I had a lovely birthday. Eric was able to go to work a later than usual so I got to shower and get ready without rushing. He and the kids bought me an ice cream cake. They sang to me -- it is so sweet to hear their little voices, Laine sang "happy birthday to mom" instead of "to you" and it made me cry -- and I opened presents in the morning, but we saved the cake for after dinner but we ate the Andes mints off the top after the singing. Then we went to Dennys for breakfast. I know, not very exotic but it was something different and it was a fun way to start the day together. I ate yummy apple strudel french toast. Going out to breakfast is fun but I must admit that it makes me feel a bit off all day when I eat a huge amount in the morning. But that's okay, it was my birthday. The rest of the day was pretty normal, I even made dinner. But then there was cake to eat. Thanks for the phone calls and gifts. It is so nice to feel extra special for the day.

I had lots of help blowing out the candles.

Eric took the kids to Target the night before to buy me little gifts. He forgot his wallet and he didn't realize it until they were ready to buy everything. So they went home and back again. He said the kids were really good sports about the whole thing, and so is he for going back! I was at orchestra and when I got back all the lights in the house were on and Cannon came running out in his PJs and said, "mom, you're home too soon!" But not too soon to spoil the surprise. Eric gave me a gift certificate for a pregnancy pedicure at a nice Spa nearby. I think I'll save it until July. Thanks for making the day special, E. Loveyou.


Cammi said...

Happy Birthday!!! Don't kids just make everything better? :)

Lynne said...

Such cute pictures, Paige. Your hair is so pretty. I'm glad you had a happy day!

Sally said...

Happy Birthday Paige! I'm sorry I didn't get your gift off in time. It's still on its way though, so your birthday can be extended. Think of it as birthweek. BTW, you don't look pregnant at ALL in those pictures. You beautiful thing...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Ryan grew up in a family that didn't make birthday's a big day so he has a hard time remembering to do something at all let alone all of that cool stuff! Thats okay tho, he does other things that I love a lot so it all works out. Anyway, you are so awesome, Im glad you had a wonderful day!