Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stitches Out

Ridge's stitches came out today. His head has healed nicely and barring another blow to the wounded area within the next week, it should be fine. I brought all the kids with me to the appointment so they could get their flu shots. And how did I make the trip go smoothly? With a good behavior bribe: a trip to the DI to get toys afterwards. Laine cried forever this morning when we were talking about going to the doctor for a shot and then only winced when the actual shot was administered, didn't make a peep. The boys let out a little "ouch" but that was it. And Sommer was happy in the Baby Bjorn so mom was happy too.

Last week I called to set up the appointment for Ridge's stitches to come out and then asked if I could also do my flu shots during the same visit. I was told that "flu shots are only given by appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays." So I asked if the stitches could just come out a day later but was advised against it. I had already told her when the stitches went in so she wouldn't let me change. I was then told that I could call on the morning of the appointment and ask if there would be time for my kids to have shots when I was there. I guess I could have argued or begged, but I didn't. I just said "okay, thanks" and hung up the phone. At the time I was sitting on the floor in Laine's room, holding Sommer. I got tears in my eyes and looked up and said, "can't I just get a little help?" 5 minutes later the same lady called me back and asked, "what are the names of your other children? I'll go ahead and schedule you for those shots since you are coming in anyway." I thanked her again, hung up the phone and really cried. Laine danced over and gave me a hug. I hadn't said a real prayer, but I was heard anyway.


Sally said...

Glad to hear Ridge is healing. Question for you - did they tell you anything about future hair growth? My friend's little boy had to get stitches yesterday and she's worried about the scar because it's right over his ear. Anyway, what a neat story about the shots. I love it when little prayers are answered!

Paige said...

I didn't ask about hairgrowth since his scar will be hidden. I wasn't worried about that because the cut wasn't in a prominant place on his head.

Torrie said...

Sweet story Paige. if I can ever help just let me know.
About the flu shots-I just don't tell my kids when we go for flu shots. The lead up to it ends up in four kids crying and one always throws up. So now we just show up, do it and go home. Shilo never cares, this year she just said that her leg hurt the next day. Alex has to practically be put out for it, and John just avoids going at all costs. {i know, he's not one of the kids, but sometimes i wonder:)}Glad that ones over.

Lark said...

Your flu shot experience went well! We just took a trip to Goodwill last week and each kid got a toy for 50 cents. Love that place. I was going to blog about it but was too tired that night!

Anonymous said...

your story made ME cry... :)

K. Laura said...

That is an awesome experience with prayer Paige, and that God really does hear us, even when it's not "official." He is our Father after all and knows our heart and I think He is really happy to bless us with the small things, like getting flu shots the same day you have to drag 4 kids to the dr.'s office to get stitches out. You are such an amazing mom. When we have our 4th I hope people don't compare me to you because you really are doing a great job.