Sunday, October 21, 2007


Yesterday afternoon I was flipping channels while I was feeding Sommer and I came across a football game being played in the bright sunlight and it kind of startled me. I forgot for a moment that everywhere else in the United States isn't cloudy and gray like this little corner tends to be. Though no one who visits here believes me because it always seems to be gorgeous for visitors. So could we please have some more visitors since the weather seems to know and turn to the lovely when you're here?


Anonymous said...

you are so funny! ...and so right.

Torrie said...

i love the weather the last two days! it just makes me happy!

kent said...

is this a veiled way of asking me to make seattle one of my weekend warrior destinations? look, im working on coming for thanksgiving. im just a little slow and late getting around to it, so its hard to pull off. but i do want to visit. really.