Sunday, August 12, 2007

What's in a name?

When I was growing up I loved the name Josephine. It is a family name, but I'm not sure which family member it is from. I just remember doing geneology with my mom and she told me that someone on my maternal grandfather's side was named Josephine, and I thought it was such a beautiful name. For some reason, I've really been attached to the name during this pregnancy but Josephine didn't really fit with Ridge, Cannon and Laine. So Sommer gets a middle name. It is quite a long name but I hope she likes it as she grows up.

Sommer is my maiden name. Laine was going to be Sommer, Brooke or Laine. Eric has been voting for Sommer the whole time. I do like it but I think it is hard for me to get used to because all my life I had been telling people about my last name, "It's pronounced Sah-mer" so in my head before I say Sommer like summer I'm still thinking Sommer like my last name. Eric pointed out that we could call her SoJo. Hmm. I suppose there are lots of things we could call her. You should hear Laine say "Josephine," it is super cute.


mindy said...

Finally, pictures! I know you have been busy but I have been so anxious to see what she looks like that I have been checking your site constantly.
She's beautiful! I think her name fits her well. She looks light and sunny and ready to bring joy to your days!
Congtratulations again.

Anonymous said...

She looks like you! I have been checking in on your blog hourly to see some photos of her, like Mindy! She's so cute. I just want to hold her. Speaking of...can I stop by sometime? I don't want to bother you too much, so I don't mind waiting. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been checking about twice a day and thinking each time "there's no way they'll find time to post pictures" so Im glad you surprised us with THREE blogs about it! So I read it three times and maybe I just have a headache but - did you say her name is pronounced "Summer" or "Sommer"?

kelly said...

i love her name!
i think she might look a little like laine and cannon.
too cute!

Cammi said...

She's so cute! We can't wait to see her in person. Marc's vote on a nickname is SoB - like the drink :)

Lark said...

She's beautiful! She really looks like her siblings when they were babies. Your kids all look so happy to have her there. I bet they will be really helpful.

Heidi Davies said...

She's such a doll. Congratulations. Does she look like Cannon? I don't see your kids often enough to know for sure, it seems like she does.