Friday, August 17, 2007

Thank goodness for Grandma

Eric's mom came to stay with us for a week. It was so great to have her here. She was the nanny and the cook and the dishwasher for the week so that I could rest and have time to be with Sommer. It meant a lot to me to have time to myself with Sommer so that we could get to know each other. I even had enough time to myself to finish HP7. Thanks for being here Lynne. This isn't the best picture, it was meant to be a picture of grandma with the grandkids but Laine was on my lap crying because she had just woken up from falling asleep on the couch and Ridge scampered off as soon as the other camera clicked. And of course Sommer started fussing. Then there's Cannon, just waiting.

My first day alone with everyone went well enough. We survived the day but then dinnertime was a disaster. Laine refused to eat, not that this isn't normal, but she was so tired that she couldn't stop crying and wouldn't eat anything, threw her food off her plate and was sent to her room where she cried herself to sleep. I was exhausted and it made me cry to have Laine be so frantic. Cannon gave me a hug to make me feel better, and that was sweet but then I looked across the table and Ridge was gagging and he threw up his dinner right back onto his plate. Who knows why, he liked the food. So the boys were sent to the bath (Ridge finished throwing up on the floor) but they got in a fight. I'm sure this is just the beginning of many crazy dinners.
Sommer is waking up more everyday. It is fun for all of us to hold her and watch her be more alert. I think she was trying to smile today. It is a blessing to have a peaceful, new baby in our family.
Ridge finally lost his top tooth that he has been wiggling for a couple of months. He was brushing his teeth and he brushed it out. He informed me that the other tooth is loose as well. He has a little lisp, it is pretty cute. The tooth fairy forgot about the tooth though and he came down that morning feeing mad. Eric told him that since it fell out at bedtime she must not have gotten the email on time. I'm sure that Ridge could figure out that there is not a tooth fairy but since he gets money from her he is going to believe as long as he can.


Anonymous said...

I read the whole thing out loud to Ryan because it was so sad and funny at the same time. He thinks our house is like that every night but he's just being a dork because its not every night, maybe every other.
and eric- the tooth fairy doesn't get emails! people text her cell phone. so maybe her cell phone battery was dead like ours usually is.

Lynne said...

Paige, it was nothing but a blessing to be with all of you. I was honored! I'm so proud of your whole
family--and you and Eric are wonderful parents--even during dinner! I'll bet that within a couple of days you could get Laine back on to a naptime schedule and that would save both of you at dinnertime. She doesn't want to be so upset and frustrated--a good afternoon rest would help. Love you!

Lark said...

Paige this is sad and funny. I'm glad you shared this because I can totally sympathize and I am really scared for more of those moments coming all too soon for me too! I hope you are able to get more sleep soon. Good luck with the crazy days!

Tricia said...

sommer definitely looks like your baby. so gorgeous. i actually think you are all adjusting beautifully. hang in there.