Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Successes and Failures

Success: yesterday we went to the library and no one cried or screamed or got upset.
Failure: right before leaving for the library Cannon was screaming, now I can't remember what about. I helped him calm down -- oh now I remember, he wanted Laine to sit in the back seat by him but I want her to sit in the middle seat until she buckle herself -- but then when I said that Laine still needed to sit in the middle he started screaming again so I yanked him out of the car and practically dragged him into the house to the stairs so he could have his time out. All the while I was holding Sommer and being furious with Cannon. I was about to put her in her carseat when he started screaming and kept screaming and wouldn't stop. But at least he got it out of his system before the library.

Success: washed and folded 4 loads of laundry.
Failure: didn't make dinner. But thankfully, friends and ward members have filled my freezer with dinners that I can use so for a while it is okay if I don't make dinner because someone else has made it for me. Last night we ate chicken enchiladas from the Simmons family.

Success: everyone gets dressed every day.
Failure: come 10:30am someone is always still in pjs. At least we still have two weeks before school to work on getting everyone dressed earlier in the morning.

Success: took my kids to the park today to play and have a picnic. Sommer slept the entire time.
Failure: while I was feeding Sommer and getting her ready to nap through the park trip, the kids decided that they wanted Otter Pops and Cannon and Ridge both ate 3 in less than 10 minutes. Helps to hydrate them, right?


Cammi said...

Wow - Paige, you are way ahead of me. I don't have a brand new baby and we are lucky to get dressed, have dinner or have clean laundry.... How do you do it?? Tell Eric he married SuperWoman.

mindy said...

You are doing a fabulous job! You are so good at finding the silver lining is any situation. That's why I love ya, you are my inspiration.

Anonymous said...

wow..I feel tired reading this. haha, I love you, you are my inspiration many days. I mean that.

kelly said...

sounds like one huge success to me!
you amaze me paige...

Lark said...

I like this post Paige. I have thought all day today after something goes right or wrong "success" and "failure." I think there were more failures today so I'm going to stop thinking about them now. But I know your doing great...4 kids.