Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pink Baby!!!

Laine got her wish! Sommer Josephine Blaser was born at 3:15 pm today. She weighs 7 pounds and 0 ounces and is 19 inches long. Paige was amazingly strong and once again the doctor barely made it in time. For a minute there it looked like the nurse was going to deliver her but our doctor dashed in at the last second and made a great diving catch.

Mom and baby are doing great. Dad doesn't matter. I love you Paige.



Torrie said...

How cool!!!! Thanks Eric, your a good husband!
Great job Paige! Can't wait to see the newest balser baby!

p.s john and i both laughed at your comment that dad doesn't matter, how true sometimes, sorry:)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Laine got her wish and got a Pink Baby! And that Paige is doing well...can't wait to see Sommer. XOXO, Marie and family

mindy said...

Congratulations guys! Yeah, another girl, that's fabulous. And I love the name you have chosen. I am happy to hear that everything went well and baby and mom are healthy. I can't wait to see some pictures.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Sommer!! I love that name!! yahoo Paige- what a great woman you are!
Congratulations Daddy and Laine and brothers!!

Sally said...

Congratulations!! I love her name. She has my initials. :) I want more details--how did it happen that your dr. was barely in time if you were induced? How was it compared to the rest of them? Does she have hair? Have the kids met her yet? Send hugs and loves from us.

Tricia said...

Congratulations everyone!! I'm so happy to hear Sommer is here and can't wait to see some pictures. This news made my day.

Lauren said...

So wonderful! I can't wait to see her. Congratulations!

Lark said...

Congrats! And dad does matter! Can't wait to see pictures! Love you guys!

kelly said...

she's gorgeous!

Ryan said...

Eric / Paige,

Congratulations on the newest addition to the Blaser family!!! I stumbled on you blog a few weeks ago and have enjoyed reading the postings leading up to the big event!

Unknown said...

It doesn't surprise me that she is so beautiful, just like mom. Can't wait to see her. Congratulations.This is really Shannon, just something is wrong with the computer.