Sunday, July 22, 2007


Today during the sacrament Laine was playing with Eric's watch and humming the theme song for this character:

I promise that she knows the words to "I am a child of God." Cannon humms the tune all the time when he is playing by himself. Sometimes he gets really loud and dramatic. I guess it isn't really humming, he sings the tune with "dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh..."

The youth speaker in the meeting got up and said that since the Harry Potter book came out this week she forgot about her talk but she would try her best which was about three sentences. I would like to get the latest and last book of the series. I should probably do that before the baby comes.

Ridge gave a talk in primary. He did a good job even though we forgot to plan it until this morning. He did have a few more sentences than the youth speaker.

A positive thing about having a small primary is being able to be more elaborate with sharing time activities. I got the idea from the Friend magazine to make little handcart treats. Theirs were covered wagons but mine looked more like a handcart. I used Whoppers for the wheels instead of Lifesavers because they were easier to buy in bulk. There was more to the sharing time than this activity but of course this was the most exciting thing for the kids. I think I made 34 little bags of goodies for the project and there were only about 20 children there today. We had quite the snack feast on the way home from church.

And after church we went out to Bellevue for a family bbq with Eric's Aunt and Uncle. They are here visiting from Arizona. His cousin and her family were there also, visiting from Spokane. I guess the others that were there are also his cousins but through marriage. So is there a different term for that because I suppose that all cousins are kind of through marriage. Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon and it is so nice of Aunt Anne to include us in their plans. Every time they visit up here they make sure to call us and invite us to one of their get-togethers. We've really appreciated that since we are far away from family and we don't get many visitors of our own.


Anonymous said...

Im at my brother in law's house in utah and Im checking emails and I can't wait to show them this blog! You are so funny! I don't know which was funnier...the humming of darth vader's tune or the youth speaker forgetting her talk over Harry Potter!

kelly said...

was that youth talk not hysterical?

i have to admit i was wishing i was at home reading my book yesterday too.
i did finish it last night.
it is sooooo good.

and my kids loved the handcart treats! great idea paige. thanks for the effort.