Thursday, July 05, 2007

Little Blackfoot Spits

As we were waiting for the fireworks to begin, Laine took off her purple Crocs -- her favorite shoes -- and revealed the dirtiest little feet I've ever seen. That is a downfall to wearing those shoes, but she loves them and they are so easy to slip on her feet, she can almost do it on her own.

Earlier in the day... the kids finished eating first and started chasing each other in laps around the house. The adults (Eric, Paige, Benton and Hailey) were talking and still eating around the picnic table. It was a lovely evening for eating outdoors. After a bit Laine came back and told me,

"Mom, I spit."

I assumed that she was blowing spit bubbles and got carried away and there was so much spit on her chin that it bugged her and she wanted it wiped away. So I told her that she shouldn't spit and started to wipe her chin and then down her shirt and I noticed there was a pile of chewed food stuck in the bottom of her shirt. Then I realized that she probably threwup. So I cleaned off her shirt and Benton started to laugh and asked where she had spit, I hadn't even thought about that part yet. She told us "on the sidewalk." Meanwhile, Cannon started hollering from the bathroom that he needed some help so Eric went inside to help him. Benton followed Laine to where she "spit" and sure enough, there was a small pile of yuck on the sidewalk outside the back door which he hosed off for me. The adults convened at the table once more and Eric told us that somehow, Cannon had missed the toilet altogether when going #2. I was glad that I had sent Eric to help Cannon. I think having company over made it much easier to laugh at the two incidents happening so close together. That of course led into our own stories of childhood messes which I won't relate in the blog, you'll just have to ask us if you really want to know.


Anonymous said...

those feet are pretty darn I guess that just means she was having a great time!
What a cute way of saying that you threw up- cute little girl! And yes, I think I'd much rather clean up a little yuck then a missed "#2" haha
btw- I just noticed your funny title "The 4th of Tie Die" haha..totally missed that yesterday!

Kent said...

missed the toilet?! not being a parent, im not really sure how that happens, but thats outstanding.

Torrie said...

kids are a total crack up!
and the titles you come up with are really cute! little black foot spits, fourth of tie dye, just really cute!

Cammi said...

I just have to say this made me laugh out loud! I'm sure it will be my turn someday....