Thursday, July 26, 2007

Italy Envy

A friend told me last week that they are going to Italy in November. I need to say that it takes every fiber of my being not to turn green with envy when I think about it. I'm thrilled that she gets to go, and my first thought when she told me was a selfish, "hey, we should go too!" (I didn't say it out loud).) But then of course I remembered that I am expecting a baby in a few short weeks and trips to Italy take some planning. Not quite like a double date to dinner and a movie. I think I've mentioned before that thinking about Italy and how to get back there more often can be quite a consuming thing to me so I almost have to leave it alone completely in order to function properly as a mom and wife and whatever else I am right now.

So in order to combat that feeling of wanting to be in Italy and in order to get it off my mind so I can concentrate on the life tomorrow, here are a few thoughts about the country. I suppose one could call them travel tips but it is more musings and ramblings on this beloved, beautiful, bewildering place.

Milano: I love this city, but that is because I spent 1/3 of my mission there so it really became my Italian home. I don't think it has the same tourist appeal as the other famous cities in Italy but if you can, I think a day there is worth it. Stroll around the Duomo then around the square and walk through the galleria. Take a tour of La Scala or try to get cheap tickets for the evening's performance; find Via Montenapoleone and window shop all the famous labels -- Versace, Ferragamo etc; eat lunch in a spot where you can people watch because this city is full of beautifully dressed Italians going about their everyday business. I think flying out of Milan is a better idea than starting your trip there, though it still could be anticlimactic, but I think if you go into the city feeling like you are just there to be with Italians and see the beauty of the people for one more day then you'll leave feeling quite pleased with your experience.

Some great advice, that I believe comes from Rick Steves, is that when you are traveling to Italy just plan on going back, that way you don't feel like you have to see everything in one trip. But, say this is your only chance and you don't want to go again, I'd say just stick with the big three: Rome, Florence and Venice. I am not an Italian travel expert by any means, but these cities are full of everything that you expect to see when you are in Italy. You need a few days to meander through Rome to see the ruins and the Vatican. I think my favorite part about the Vatican was seeing the guards dressed in their costumes. I suppose they are called uniforms but it is hard to call them uniforms compared to the ones in our military, and those of the Italian military as well.

I loved the Boboli gardens in Florence because strolling the grounds makes you feel like you are in a different era, when it was the business of the wealthy to stroll gardens and look lovely under a parasol. The views of Florence are amazing from a few points in the gardens. One side looks out over the red-tiled roofs of the city and the other side shows country manors spread among the green hills. Worth seeing. Then of course there are the museums, The David is worth every penny of his entry fee. And you'll love just walking the small streets and finding your way to each spot, seeing the shops along the way. Don't buy gelato at this shop though, way too expensive. I think we paid 10 euros for Eric's cone. It is located in the main square where you go to enter the Uffizi Gallery, also something to see in Florence. Eric and I didn't go but I did go with my mom and aunt Deb when they came to retrieve me from my mission.

And Eric and I didn't go to Venice, that was also something I saw with my mom and aunt, but it is a magical place and just a wonder to wander through. We didn't take a gondola ride but we ate at the most perfect restaurant with a view of a little stream of the canal where a beautiful gondola was waiting. I remeber when I ordered I thought I knew what the item was but then the waiter asked me if I really did know, he spoke English, and he told me it was squid, or squid ink pasta, something along those lines. So I changed my order though I don't remember what I ate, just what I was saved from getting.

Eric and I love visiting Sicily but I think the main reason for this was because we were able to be with friends there. I did not feel brave enough to rent a car and drive in Italy. We filmed during the car ride with our friends because it was crazy; Italians are such agressive drivers. So if you are feeling extra adventurous, spend some time south of Rome. But otherwise stay north.

Just one more thing, when Eric and I were there we stayed in hotels we found through the Rick Steves Italy book. We stayed in 2-stars twice and 1-star once. I say, stick with the 2-stars at least. The 1-star was on our last night before flying out and though it was nice enough, it just was a let-down. The 2-stars felt like little Italian rooms whereas the 1-star felt like an inexpensive hotel/motel anywhere in the US.

And there's my 2 cents. Now I'll get on with my life. Ciao ciao.


Kent said...

a fun read paige. if you insist its so great, ill be excited about going there for mom's birthday. i am excited. just a little more excited about spain. i know what you mean about thinking about it all the time. sometimes i almost wish i hadnt been to spain. alright, not really. but if i hadnt been there, i wouldnt know how great it was and i wouldnt long to go back so much. maybe we should all just move to europe.

Unknown said...

Man, now you've made ME want to go to Italy!!

kelly said...

now i'm super excited!
and you've planned my whole itinerary for me!

two more weeks til we meet the newest blaser...

Ron and Shanon Sommer said...

Ahh, Italy. There is nothing like it. I can't wait to go back!

Anonymous said...

I want to go too!