Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of Tie-Dye

We were the tie-dye family for 4th of July this year. The kids and I made the shirts as a summer project this week. We didn't win any prizes but with all of the candy and goodies the kids collected you'd think we were big winners. We went up to the Edmonds parade this year. They have a kiddie parade first and then the big parade just afterwards. We got there too early, the kids grew pretty bored of waiting for their turn to walk in the parade but it was still fun to be in the parade together. Eric found us seats and then came back to walk with us.
Ridge sporting his mowhawk and punk look. This was during our waiting time and he was showing me how annoyed he was getting. But he cheered up and had fun, especially as he started finding treasures along the way.
Towards the beginning of the parade. Several kids were throwing candy but it didn't go far enough to get to the spectators so the boys were picking up the candy that they found along the way. There were so many kids and parents there. The childrens' route is a lot shorter than the actual parade route and all downhill.
Isn't Lainey so cute with her pigtails? Her Cheerbears rode the parade with us. She was quite serious during the parade. There were cheerleaders handing out ribbons to each child at the end of the parade. She thought that was so special. As we watched the real parade she was very excited and enjoyed the whole thing.
Now we are resting up for the fireworks tonight. Everyone is excited to stay up late for the show. My cousin Benton and his wife Haley are coming over for a bbq soon. Nothing fancy, just hotdogs and hamburgers. We are enjoying a very sunny day, a rare treat for the 4th in Seattle. Hope yours was fun too!


Torrie said...

we just got home from the point defiance zoo,tons of fun!
we are heading to mom and dads for dinner then downtown to the show. we went last year and totaly enjoyed it so we are headed there again!
have a happy 4th! glad you all had fun in the parade, there are so many things to do around here in the summer! enjoy your family and the works!

Cammi said...

I love the tye-dye and the sunshine!

Anonymous said...

the mohawk rocks!! kate is saying "She in da boat mom!"..she's looking at Laine. Sounds like a great morning..and I agree-its so great to actually have pictures with SUN in them for the July 4th stuff.

Anonymous said...

How fun, I love the t-dye! And the mohawk. Now if only Noah's hair would do that!

I'm so glad you had a good 4th!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add how wonderful you look!!

Lark said...

good job on the tie-dye. Sounds like you had a fun day together.

Always Summer said...

aww! I miss the 4th of july! looks fun and I love that you guys were in the parade. that's the best part.