Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cabin Report 2007

Everyone minus napping Chloe: Eric, Marc, Todd, Chad, Lynne, Ed, Anna and Troy, Cammi and Lila, Grace, Paige, baby belly and Laine, Ridge, Cannon.

We had another great trip to the Blaser Family cabin in Grand Jean, Idaho. It was as hot as could be even though we were in the mountains. The kids had a lot of fun playing in the creek, I think they changed in and out of swimsuits at least 3x a day. The cousins had a lot of fun playing together this year. Grace and Ridge formed the BRC (Boat Rescue Club) early in the week and that was fun for them for several days. They helped all of the cousins make "boats" out of scrap pieces of wood and then attached random nuts and bolts to them and then rope. They would float the boats off the bridge across the creek and then would let the ropes go and yell for the BRC. The first day it was just the BRC but then after that the kids had to be more specific, did they want BRR or BRG to go to the rescue?

As usual, the kids loved riding the motorcycles with their uncles and dad. Thanks to grandpa for bringing the cycles and the gas. Eric and his brothers and dad took a few days to go hiking early in the week. Lynne, Eric's mom and the grandma, planned fun projects for the kids to do during the week. They had fun decorating buckets and then going on a scavenger hunt. They also decorated visors. The hot rocks were a big hit. Collect rocks, wash them off and then put them in a 400 degree oven for a while. After they are nice and hot take them out and melt old crayons on them. (As I am writing this I realize that we left ours on the deck so we'll have to make some of our own.) No one got burned, Laine even participated and loved it. They also decorated flags with squirt bottles full of paint. After the bottles were cleaned out they had a lot of fun having water fights and drinking out of them.
I finally read "Eragon" and enjoyed it. Kelly loaned it to me several months ago and it has been waiting on my nightstand. I think I would have read it sooner had I known more about the author. He was only about 19 when it was published and this is the first in a series. It is a lot like the Lord of the Rings so if you are in the mood for something of that genre... Then I started "Persuasion," that was quite a switch of styles. I finished that one on the way home and I did enjoy it and now I'm not so upset about being labeled an "Anne" from the Jane Austen quiz.
Laine made our trip more exciting by getting carsick. About an hour into the drives to and from the cabin she made quite a mess. I was more prepared on the way home, I had a towel handy, but I wasn't quick enough to keep if from getting on her dress (we were all ready for church). On the way there I had no idea that she was prone to carsickness so it got all over the place. Luckily this didn't last all day, only in the morning, but the smell did.
It was a great trip. Thanks to everyone for making it such fun for all of us.


Cammi said...

Paige - thank you so much for the great trip. You taught me many lessons of patience (probably without even knowing it!) It was nice to spend some more time with you and your kids. Lila has asked about your family 2-3 times each day since we've come home.

Cammi said...

And I can't forget about Eric! We liked seeing him too!! :)

mindy said...

Wow, what fun. i love all the craft ideas i got from reading that. I am happy to hear you all had a fun time.
Did you go to church in Idaho or did you leave really early in the morning to get back to Seattle? I am just curious.
Glad to hear you had such a fun time. See ya soon.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really fun trip! What creative ideas for crafts for kids! I'm glad you got back safe and sound.

Sally said...

I'm so sorry that you had to clean up sickness while you're pregnant. Of all the times to have to do it....and in your car, no less, when you're trapped! I'm sad for you there. But great post on the cabin.

Anonymous said...

such a cool report..I love reading your stuff! I forgot I wanted to read Eragon so Im going to check it out now!