Sunday, June 03, 2007

Called to Serve

Lance got his mission call! He leaves for the Brazil Rio de Janeiro North Mission in September. My parents will say goodbye to him from an airport in California because he flies right to the MTC in Brazil. I'm so excited for the experiences he has ahead of him. What is amazing is that my dad went to the same mission, though when he was serving his mission included half of the country and since then the gospel has grown so much in the country that Lance's mission is 1 of 25 in Brazil today.

This is a picture of Rio but I don't know if it is in Lance's mission or not. It looks and sounds like his experience will be full of adventure and learning.

Last week there were two mission farewells in our ward. Both young men will be excellent missionaries. As I was listening to them (this was the Sunday that Eric and the kids were gone camping so I did actually get to listen), I started thinking about my mission and what makes a good missionary. So Lance, here are a few pieces of advice that are extra from the obvious "standard church answer" list.

1. Do what mom says and stand up straight. Remember that you are more than just Lance while you are on your mission, you get to be Elder Sommer and you represent the church and our Savior. So stand tall and walk with purpose because as people are attracted to your confidence they will be attracted to your message and want to listen to you, not just the people you are serving but also your fellow missionaries.

2. Leave home, and the United States completely behind. As a foreign missionary it is easy to get sucked up in home sickness and wanting to celebrate holidays just like in the US. I remember plans for big Thanksgiving meals but it is just a waste. Enjoy the food, the culture and treat it like your own for 2 years because it is just that, 2 years and you'll have the rest of your life to celebrate like at home. It will probably be easier for you to do this because you'll have so many Brazilians that you serve with. Learn from them, and take advantage of speaking Portuguese. You'll come back so proficient in the language, I'm jealous!

3. Make sure that you care more about what the Lord thinks of you than of what your fellow elders think of you. Some missionaries make the mission another popularity contest, they want to be cool and look cool and make sure that everyone else thinks they are cool too. We had one elder who shaved his head, I'm not sure why, but everyone really liked this elder, thought he was cool, and soon enough, there were several elders in his zone with shaved heads. Elder Holland came and spoke to our mission not too long after that and he chastized them for their hair. This elder that they copied was a good missionary, all the members loved him, but he knew everyone loved him and had to still be cool. So be happy that you can take a break from being political and thinking about popularity and what is cool and just enjoy being the best missionary and you'll have the best mission.

4. Obey the rules, all of them. You are so lucky that you get to have exercise time as part of your daily schedule. We had to get up early if we wanted to exercise and that becomes so hard as you get further into the mission. I think being in bed on time is the hardest thing to do, but try.

5. Somehow, love your companion. You will be with some companions that you would never choose to be friends with and it will be so hard to love them. But somehow see them as a child of God, or as mother's dear son that she is so proud of, and find out about who they really are and you will be able to love and appreciate their sacrifices and their service. There will probably be times when you are with an apartment of elders and you like the others more than your comp, but stay loyal and make sure you see the good in your companion so that everyone else can too.

Of course you will have companions that you love, who feel like they should have been your brother. These are the greatest friendships, cherish them. Didn't dad and mom meet through one of dad's companions?

I know there are more, Kent and Matt (and Laura should guest post on Matt's since she actually went to Brazil too) should post on this topic as well, and Parker too for that matter, he can be a guest contributer on Lark's blog. And Eric, you should guest post on mine.

You'll be an incredible missionary Lance. Thanks for being worthy to serve.


Lance said...

thanks paige for the tips... all are really helpful thanks for setting the example.

kelly said...

what a great post!
i'm so excited for your family.
you must have been raised by goodly parents...
good luck to lance!

Torrie said...

i loved that advice! i think it works not only on your mission but in life! if you see everyone as they are someones loved one, it's easier. thanks for the great post, and good example of what a good person you are!

mindy said...

What a great post! I agree with Torrie that not only was it great advice for a future missionary but it was also full of reminders for the rest of us. Thanks Paige.
And best wishes to Lance. Maybe he'll be able to catch a soccer game on a P-day.

Marc said...

Mais um missionario para o pais de Deus. Parabens Lance!

Lynne said...

Such a dear sister you are, Paige! I hope you don't mind that I copied your post--I truly hope someday to be able to share it with Todd before he leaves on a mission. So many good things to think about. Thanks!

Tricia said...

they ARE goodly parents, truly elect parents. congratulations lance. great post paige.

Anonymous said...

These are such great tips. We are anxiously awaiting my nephews mission call...which should be here any day...and I will pass these tips along to him! Its so exciting to have a member of your family serve. It brings back all kinds of wonderful missionary memories for me when someone goes out. Enjoy Lance!!

Anonymous said...

I love your advice, I think its so applicable to the rest of life as well. My bro in law went to Brazil, I'll have to ask him if there is any comment I should add to this for Lance too!