Saturday, April 21, 2007

Toothless Grin

Ridge lost his first tooth when we were in California and then the second one came out just a week later! Once he figured out they were loose he couldn't stop wiggling them. Now he can't stop feeling the hole with his finger and tongue. The top ones are loose as well. It is cute to hear him talking, he is starting to get that toothless lisp.
I have to add some funny things that Cannon has said recently before I forget. At the graveside he was sitting next to my mom, looking at the coffin. He turned to her and said, "I can't wait until they open the treasure chest!"
Last night at dinner he was trying to get Eric's attention while Eric was trying to listen to Ridge. He kept saying, "Dad! Dude! Dude! Dude!" Then he put his hands on Eric's chin and tried to turn his head to him. Finally Eric answered him and Cannon asked, "What do your back bones look like?" I think he forgot the reason why he was trying to get Eric's attention but he came up with something else so quickly that I just cracked up.
Though he is teaching Laine some naughty things, he is also very sweet and has taught her, by saying it himself so often, "I missed you, dad/mom" when either of us comes in the door after being away. Cannon always gives a big hug with it too.


kelly said...

oh my gosh! the treasure chest comment made me laugh out loud!
he is hysterical!

Lynne said...

Paige, your boys are such BOYS! They don't come any cuter!

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh too! Your boys are so cute! I love how Cannon wanted to know about back bones...I love the way their little minds work!

Anonymous said...

OK, I read your blog so fast I mis-read the part about the treasure chest. I just read it outloud to Andy and we were crying we were laughing so hard!!!

mindy said...

I have to agree that the treasure chest comment from Cannon is priceless. Did people at the funeral hear him and if so were they able to hold it together? So cute!

Torrie said...

Lost teeth is so much fun!!
Chastin has hardly any teeth left, is a wonder he can even eat! Glad Ridge is part of the Toothless Club now!!! Congrats!

Lauren said...

I had to laugh too about the treasure are so funny!