Monday, April 02, 2007

Springtime Firsts

The temperature hit 61 degrees this week so naturally the kids thought it was time to play in the sprinkler again. It was sunny when they started getting ready to play but by the time everything was set up it had clouded over again. We waited until Ridge got home from school so he could enjoy the fun too. He was the one who decided to go inside first. As you can see, not much meat on those bones.

Laine was so delighted to be running around and screaming with the boys. She didn't want her swimsuit on at first, just sandles with her outfit. But after halfway through the play time she said she wanted shorts on with no shirt, like the boys of course. So I let her run around like the boys for a little while. She lasted the longest and was sad when I told her it was time to come in and get dressed. Cannon screamed the loudest. This all began because I was weeding (finally) and he wanted to know which of the flowers needed water. He was so persistent with turning the hose on that I made him the deal that he could play in the water when Ridge got home from school.
I took Cannon and Laine to the beach for a picnic on Friday. I thought it would be windy and colder than at our house but it was sunny and pleasant, with sweatshirts on of course. We enjoyed playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water -- very rocky beach -- and then we played on the playground for a little while.
Laine loved walking around with her bucket, digging and dumping. We stayed as long as the sun stayed out.


Lynne said...

Cutest grandkids in all of Seattle! Thanks for the update--spring may just make it yet!

Torrie said...

that looks like so much fun!i wish i had been home to call you back sooner about going with you! maybe next time! i bought flip flops today wishing for more spring weather to come! chastin and shilo would love to have been in the sprinkler too!

Anonymous said...

so beautiful!! I love the pictures and the stories are so perfect. Friday here was about 75...I LOVED it..but unfortunately we were at the zoo (I'll probably do a blog about it) instead of in our backyard where we should have been with the srinklers! Did you go to the beach that we all hung out at for playgroup (Carkeek?)It looks kinda like that..thats my alltime favorite beach.

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