Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's a....

Today I had an ultrasound and all is well, the baby is growing as it should and everything looks great. We decided to let the gender of this one remain a surprise until birth, something different this time around. Let the name lists begin.


Torrie said...

Thanks for the great post!!! I'm sooooo happy for you (and eric)... I forgot to tell you that I recently heard the name Galaxy. I don't know if you like it but it's diffrent, and I know we both like a good unique name.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I had no idea you were pregnant...but then I'm a bit out of the Shorecrest news loop.

Lauren said...

How fun to have it be a surprise...I don't think I could do it! It will be fun to have Eric call out "It's a girl!" or "It's a boy!" As for names, how about Trail. Oh, wait...then his name would be Trail Blaser. Nevermind about that! My brother-in-law's brother's name is Falk...I really like that, and it sounds "nature-y" like the rest of your kiddos. I also love Ash and I had a really fun roomate named cinnamon. Then, there is always Calliope...right, Mindy!?!

Anonymous said...

That is exciting! Yeah! I love those ultrasound photos. Mine is still on the fridge.

Names: I like the following (of course, staying true to the Blaser Family unique names!):
-Tuscan (just for you Paige...a little Italy flare!)
-Grey (still my dream to name a child Grey)
-Calliope (where did you get that Mindy??)

mindy said...

Names, huh...I know you have always liked the ones that I come up with so let's see...there is still Calliope, a musical instrument consisting of steam whistles and a keyboard; or how about Arch (you have to say it out loud to yourself a couple of times and then it sounds cool), a curved structure supporting the weight of what is above it...kind of a neat name for the forth child who will inevitably be dog piled by the other three. Ok, so that is all I can come up with right now but I will continue to think on it and let you know if more inspiration strikes. I am so happy for you and prayerfull that you will always have the strength you need to endure the challenges of having four children. (I kid, I know you can do it)

mindy said...

So I just saw Marie's list (we must have posted at the same time, weird, huh?!) and I have to say that I also like Olive.

Sally said...

I think it's a girl, so I vote for Aspen. We also liked Lauren. If it's a boy, I say Rhett or Mossimo. :) I envy you having this surprise. Now I want to do it again so it can be a surprise. Although I don't know if I could resist looking during the ultrasound. And I would miss decorating the room. But I agree that it would add so much to the excitement of the delivery to be able to find out what you were having! I would surely be motivated to push that way! It looks like someone is a Grey's Anatomy fan like me, (based on Grey and Calliope) so I humbly submit McBaby. It fits no matter what the outcome!

Anonymous said...

McBaby or McBlaser...that would be hilarious!

Paige said...

I think I'll have to call it McBaby for the duration of the pregnancy, that is hilarious.

Sally said...

Ooooh, I just heard a great one at preschool! Someone was calling their child Cedar. I think it was a boy. Just to put a serious suggestion out there. But I stand by McBaby, too. :)

Lynne said...

It IS fun to discover your baby's sex at delivery, but I firmly believe that when you say the child's name there shouldn't be a question as to its sex. I always thought it should be easy to learn to write it, too. I'll just wait to see!

kelly said...

i found a site that has nature-baby names.
some of my faves:

Sara McBride said...

Are you having a baby or a tree? Some pretty weird names out there. Galaxy? What's with that. Sounds like a weird name to me. Falk? Poor kid. Preschool would be tough on him. And Grey isn't a name, it's a color. You could always name him blue if it's a boy and pink if it's a girl. That way it would be easy to tell the gender of the baby. And if you look at the rest of the "Blaser Family" names, their names, not things, not too unique.
Good luck with naming the kid. Must be a tough thing to do as a parent, after all, it's a pretty permanent thing.

Anonymous said...

Galaxy! wow. You could do that for either boy or girl too..that is really a cool name! Some friends of ours just named their son Simon, I love that. They also have a Max and a Cassidy. I totally love Ash- Also cool for a boy or girl. So fun! If we have any more kids, I really want to do the surprise thing- by the 3rd or 4th kid, why not! You know they pretty much wear the just a layette for the first month anyway, plenty of time to get boy or girl clothes. Maybe you could have two showers, one for supplies and the other after the baby is born for clothes! I'd go to both!!

Anonymous said...

to "sara": LOL

Tricia said...

I'm definitely a fan of Summer/Sommer for a girl. My sister-in-law just named her baby Aspen, so I'm not sure it is unique enough for the Blaser family crew. I love Eloise and Cordelia (Delia). Couldn't convince my husband though! I also like Garrett (which actually works for either boy or girl).