Monday, February 26, 2007


1. "follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, don't go straight."

2. Cannon and Eric eat breakfast together some mornings. This morning Eric suggested cereal and Cannon said, "how about you have one of those oranges that's bigger than my favorite oranges. You have that and I want a banana." Grapefruit.

3. I walk Ridge to the bus stop every morning. Cannon and Laine usually want to stay inside and watch tv. This morning Cannon stayed inside but then after we left he changed his mind. So he put on his rain boots and I heard him yelling "mom!" from our driveway (the bus stop is 3 houses away from ours). At the same time that he was coming up the driveway the other bus stopped in front of our next door neighbor's house. He didn't see it coming, only heard the hiss and pop of the brakes which made him jump so high and turn and run as fast as he could down the driveway, crying the whole way. I told Ridge to wait there, ran back after Cannon, Ridge ran halfway after me, got Cannon into a coat since he was in his pajamas and boots, and then we walked to the bus stop.

4. Every day, in some form or another, Cannon asks me for a dog. It usually comes up at bedtime because he doesn't want to sleep by himself. He'll ask me when he can have a dog and I tell him when he is 8. Last night he said, "but mom, my teacher said that I'll be baptized when I'm 8." I explained that more than one thing can happen when you are 8. Then in the morning he asked me again and wondered when he would be 8. One day when his friend Grady left, he cried and cried and then said, "I need a dog so I won't be lonely when Grady leaves!" The lonely middle child.


Anonymous said...

We are more than happy to loan you Cabo! hee hee And she LOVES sleeping next to someone at night. Andy would love it if she was gone most of the time. I on the other hand would be heartbroken! I can't wait till Cannon is 8 either. I'll give him doggie tips. :)

kelly said...

that cannon is the sweetest!
do you need to borrow grady more often?

Anonymous said...

you give such great stories of your kids-I forget so much of what people tell me tho so Im glad I can just look it up and read it to them now, these are just great.