Tuesday, November 18, 2014


These are for me, so I remember --- 
Cannon and his kendama obsession, the constant clicking and swinging of the wooden ball. 
Plus, in the background, Laine still little enough that I can do her hair on a Sunday morning

Massimo, somehow comfortable sitting in the Lego box, happy to be eating Cheetos while watching TV with his siblings. 

The girls, wearing matching pjs, little enough, and friends enough, to sit in a chair together while watching a show on a Saturday night. 

Massi, had an accident in Target, so much pee that it was up his shirt, but he didn't care at all because he was looking at the toys. (I grabbed this toy for him, since this happened just a minute after arriving in the toy aisle, and high-tailed it to the checkout, with a warning to a clerk that we left a puddle behind.)

This cute profile. So precious. And happy fall days, warm enough to jump on the trampoline together. 

That we got to dog-sit Marley for a few weeks and what fun it was for everyone to have her around, especially Massimo who treated her like a little sibling, his buddy.