Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy anniversary -- blue and gold style

Cub Scout blue and gold banquet, Wild West theme, the perfect place to celebrate 14 years of marriage.

That's Ridge, dressed like a bandit. Object of the game was to shoot him as he ran back and forth. Cannon is at the end of the table near Eric. Those Nerf guns all belong to us! Why do we need so many? I have no idea. I was in charge of the game. I got it set up and figured out then made Eric do crowd control and the explaining. Turned out fun.

Eric had cupcakes waiting for me in the morning. I had a card for him in the evening. In the middle we mostly forgot it was our anniversary. Some years are like that.
- via Paige's iPhone


sheena said...

Congratulations - even if it was celebrated in a church gym with a Wild West theme!

Shannon said...

Happy Anniversary!Your "celebration" seems perfect, because it represents the life you have built together. :)