Monday, November 19, 2012

Kindergarten vocab

Sommer: Today at school we made Indian hats and Peewee hats.
Me: Do you mean Pilgrim hats?
Sommer: Yes! I keep forgetting that word so I just say Peewee.

At church a young woman sang "Be Still My Soul." Sommer asked her dad why she was singing, "he stole my sock." She thought it was a beautiful song but couldn't quite match those words to the music.

A Sommer story:
It was a very rainy morning so I drove the kids to school. The first bell rings at 8:45 then there are five minutes until the late bell. My kids panic if we get to school even a second after the first bell rings. It makes things much more stressful than they need to be in the morning. Anyway, I drove the kids to school and it was a madhouse trying to squeeze into a space to drop off the kids. By the time I parked next to a curb near the school, the first bell had rung. I asked Laine to walk Sommer to class. I usually walk her in since we walk to school. Laine agreed but she was panicking because she didn't want to be late so she gently but firmly lead Sommer by pushing her from behind. Sommer tripped, her shoe fell off then she did a full bellyflop into a puddle. I missed it. But I was still waiting at the curb. I tried to pull out into traffic but there were so many cars and no one was being polite and letting me out so I decided to be patient and wait. I had that thought too, "be patient." I put the car into park then I looked out the front window and I saw Laine looking at me. It was like she was willing me to see her before I left. She was crouched by Sommer, who was now sitting on the wet sidewalk crying, bawling. I jumped out of the car, ran to Sommer, thanked Laine for her help and sent her off to class then carried Sommer to the car. I brought her home to change clothes and calm down. She didn't want to go back to school and I didn't make her. I wouldn't want to either if I had bellyflopped into a puddle at the start of my day. Life as a kindergartner can be tough.


Shannon said...

Paige, this is a priceless post - you and Sommer will be so glad that you wrote down these sweet memories while they were fresh! Bellyflopping into a puddle is definitely not a good way to start a day...

mindy said...

hahaha..."he stole my sock"...that is hilarious! Oh Sommer, that is so cute. Sorry to hear about the puddle though. That is not as funny. You are a good mom for letting her stay home.